A New Dawn

Welcome to the first Mind Metamorphosis Newsletter

Mind Metamorphosis
2 min readNov 1, 2020


Welcome to my first newsletter. I really appreciate your interest in my work and all your support and engagement

The purpose of this publication is to provide YOU, my esteemed followers and fans, a home for all your favorite poetry, quotes, and life lessons told from a unique perspective

The publication is a relatively new one. We are less than a month old and we intend to grow in leaps and bounds by bringing you the quality content you so desire.

Mind Metamorphosis is a place where you can sit back, kick off your shoes, and relax as we regale you with beautiful poetry pieces, punchy quotes, and lessons from life and living.

I encourage you to visit the publication page and enjoy the selection of poems, quotes, and life lessons. Also, take time to look through the ‘Social Justice’ category. I promise you will definitely find something that resonates with you.

For this first October Newsletter, I bring you a selection of poems:

The first 2 poems are titled ‘Blood Calleth’ and ‘One Day We Will No Longer Care. These are poems I penned from a place of pain right after the protests and violence in my home country Nigeria. They are deeply emotional poems where I share my thoughts and feelings on the recent happenings:



On a lighter note, this last poem is titled ‘Baby’. This is a poem for lovers where I chronicle the thoughts and heart-love of a strong man for his woman. I wrote this poem thinking about how sometimes, lovers and couples are not able to communicate their love emotionally even though they love fiercely:


I will continue to keep you up to date with our publication news and information as well as any other useful information I glean from Medium and/or Medium writers.

Thank you so much for reading my work and being the wind in my sails

Blessings Unlimited!


Imabong Faminu is an out of work wife, mum, ex-banker, and Founder of Mind Metamorphosis Publication. Her debut collection ‘Rhythms and Ebbs — A Book of Poetry and Quotes’ is now out on Amazon Kindle.
Connect with her and learn more

