Butterfly, Butterfly

A poem about a butterfly


image by Boris smokrovic on unsplash

As I walked along the path today

I came across a glorious sight

A lovely black and white butterfly

Resting on a stone by the path

Basking in the early morning sun

I was already upon him before I noticed

This exquisite magnificent sight before me

And off he flew away quickly

I had barely enough time to fully admire him

His wings were like black velvet adorned with white circles

Like a polka dot dress only much better

And as he flew away I thought

Oh don’t fly away lovely butterfly

I only wanted to admire you

Not harm you

©️Imabong Faminu , 2020



Mind Metamorphosis

Writer, Poet, Author and Content Creator. Shop my digital products on Selar👇👇 https://selar.co/m/imabong-faminu1