
A freeverse poem


Photo by Bob Ward from Pexels

The Sun cools and prepares to descend
The daylight gives way to a dusky hue
The daylight streaks dim as the sun prepares to go to her rest
The umbrella of light giving way to Nightshade

Another day is gone and man counts his hours of labor
Against the setting sun
For work is done in the daytime
When men hustle and bustle for bread
Before night comes when no work is done

The resplendent brightness of the sun
Gives way to a cool evening calm
Announcing to the universe the end of another day
Setting the stage for the moon, stars, and constellations
Calling them to take their place
As the canopy of night descends

Nightshade takes over bringing the promise of a peaceful night
Ushering out the sun’s brilliance and ushering in the moon’s still calm
The day is done. Man returns to his abode
The living things of the day cease their labor
While the creatures of the night begin their forage
Nightshade bids man wind down for the rest of night



Mind Metamorphosis

Writer, Poet, Author and Content Creator. Shop my digital products on Selar👇👇 https://selar.co/m/imabong-faminu1