Spring Cleaning

Quotes For Life

Mind Metamorphosis


image from Instagram @wordsrwine

Spring Cleaning

While locked down and at home, many of us now have time for spring cleaning in our homes — clearing out of old clothes and stuff from closets, garages, and stores and taking inventory of what we actually need or don’t need.

These are very important but have we also sought to do the cleaning of our souls — clearing out things that weigh us down and don’t serve us.

Are we taking stock of what we allow into our hearts, minds, and spirits, and are we doing an audit of our relationships - removing what would stunt our growth and watering what would aid it?

How’s your spring cleaning going?

By Imabong Faminu

Imabong Faminu is an out of work wife, mum, and ex-banker on her way to establishing a career as a creative writer and poet. Her debut collection ‘Rhythms and Ebbs — A Book of Poetry and Quotes’ is now out on Amazon Kindle.
Connect with her and learn more

Whatever Space You inhabit, Leave It A Little Better Than You Found It
Imabong Faminu

