Gary Ryan Blair on Self-Reliance


A Good Hard Kick in the Ass to Wake Up and Take Action

“He who looks outside, dreams. He who looks inside, awakes.” — Carl Gustav Jung

Click to review parts one, two and three of this series on freedom and self-reliance.

“Ne te quaesiveris extra”…is Latin for, Do not seek for things outside yourself.

It’s a call to look within and to become self-reliant.

In this message, I’ll explain how to do it in ten not so easy steps.

The biggest trend I have seen over the last few decades is the complete abandonment of self-reliance.

If you run the clock back just a generation or two…most people were self-sufficient and did things themselves.

I’m talking about oil changes, taxes, preserving food, cooking, changing a flat tire and even getting off the couch to switch the television channel to name just a few.

Today, we are a nation of people desperate for the government, a piece of technology, or some outside party to fix our problems and make our pain or inconvenience go away.



Gary Ryan Blair I Growth Hacking Aficionado
Mind Munchies

I Teach Ambitious People How to Use Performance Challenges to Drive Exponential Growth / Start Here: