How To Be a Superstar Performer

Master these 5 traits and you’ll be set for life.

“It’s simply not enough to just show up and do your work. Superior performance is not, never has been, nor will it ever be, the by-product of ordinary efforts.” — Gary Ryan Blair

What can you do to showcase your skills and slingshot your way up the ladder?

Lucky for you…

I’ve got not one

Not two

Not three

But FIVE rules that you can apply to become a superstar performer at work, at home and in any area of your life for that matter…so let’s get after it!

Rule #1 — Become an Offensive Threat.

I believe we all exist to win, create, construct, contribute, exceed expectations and make our mark on the world.

Doing so requires that we become an offensive threat. All the time.

Playing offense means advancing your position, building momentum, putting points on the board…winning.

It means solving problems, adding value, going the extra mile, and doing things right the first time.

It’s a proactive approach to life which requires hustle, heart and hard work.

Goals and dreams are not won passively, nor by defensive tactics.

That’s why choosing to play offense is the only game worth playing.

Rule #2 — Move Fast.

We’re all playing a high stakes game of one and done…one life in which to do everything we’ll ever do.

None of us are getting any younger, and the sooner we realize the inherent value of speed…the more serious we take your goals, and the more urgency we build into our actions.

That’s why we all we need to be in a hurry to face our fears, develop courage, share our bravest work, commit to excellence, get in shape, get out of debt, shed high-maintenance relationships, eliminate excuses, connect on a deeper level, dare mighty things, be generous, forgive others, love intensely…in a hurry to pursue our goals, make our dreams come true and to make our mark on the world.

The history of failure in life, or in any human endeavor can be summed up in two words: Too late.

Too late in taking full responsibility for your life.

Too late in believing in yourself.

Too late in adapting to change.

Too late in setting priorities.

Too late in taking a risk.

Too late in enforcing deadlines.

Too late in comprehending the value of time.

Playing a strong offense, fueled by a massive sense of urgency allows us to live the life of our dreams sooner rather than later.

Rule #3 — Beat Yesterday.

To become an offensive threat and to fast track your goals…you must out-behave, out-perform and out-class your competitors…and to continue to score, to enjoy the benefits of a long winning streak…you must certainly out-behave, out-perform and out-class who you were yesterday.

Everyday of your life provides unique opportunities to demonstrate greater commitment, discipline, compassion, good judgment, energy, and the feeling that you can improve upon yesterday’s performance.

“Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.” — Denzel Washington

Everyday gifts you with more chances to eat cleaner, train harder, think better, work smarter and dream bigger.

Everyday of your life is another chance to shape and mold your destiny, build your legacy, live more freely, and love more openly.

Conversely, each day provides you with opportunities to procrastinate, to be fearful of, to remain in your comfort zone…and to live the small, compromised life you have created for yourself.

The very idea of daily improvement and growth should be such a turn on that there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t spend each day of your life beating who you were yesterday…and that’s who the real competition is anyway.

To quote Ernest Hemingway…

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

Rule #4 — Finish What You Start.

You don’t get applause, adulation and a stellar reputation for starting…you only get those things for finishing.

If you don’t finish what you start…you’ll only experience the agony of defeat…never the thrill of victory.

If you can’t find it within yourself to get your goals across the finish line…you’ll condemn yourself to a life of pain, regret, embarrassment and disappointment.

If you make promises and commitments to yourself and others but do not honor them…you’ll have given people no reason to trust you, much less yourself.

Aristotle was absolutely right when he said…“Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.”

To acquire the reputation of a strong finisher demands that you finish everything you start.

That includes finishing homework, finishing workouts, finishing sales calls, finishing cleaning, finishing meetings, finishing writing, finishing conversations…finishing the smallest task you have in front of you and finishing it well.

Rule #5 — Be Your Own Hero.

If you want to live an extraordinary life…there’s only one way.

Choose to become the hero of your story.

Allow yourself to dream without limits…to fantasize about turning your life into an action movie.

Take a cue from Scorsese, Spielberg and Tarantino.

Create a plot dripping with excitement, boldness, audacity, courage, big thinking, great challenges and massive accomplishments.

It’s only when you become your own hero…when you can stand on your own two feet, when you play a strong offense, confront fear and overcome obstacles…and save yourself that you are complete, prepared and ready to unleash your greatness on the world.

The world needs people and companies who care about the work they do, the people they serve, the results they produce, and the impact they are making.

The world needs strong, courageous, independent thinking people who want to use their creative ideas and unique talents to make a lasting difference.

The world needs leaders who can lead, leaders who set inspiring examples, leaders who demonstrate trust, and leaders who make things happen.

The world needs people with guts…people with passion and people who are willing to be shunned and rejected in the pursuit of their goals and dreams.

The world needs connectors, not detractors. We need people who can communicate an inspiring vision, people who can light a fire in the belly of their peers.

Most importantly…the world needs you…all of you…the brave you, the risk-taking you, the big thinking and highly capable you.

The world wants what you have to offer…and because of that, the world needs you to make a very important decision…it needs you to raise your hand and Be Your Own Hero.

Only you can do it, and you must do it. I’m hoping you choose to stand up…to put your unique talents to work…to create art that matters…and to choose to make a difference as the best possible future is one where you fully contribute your true self, your best self.

My goal in writing this message was to persuade you that there is an awesome opportunity waiting for you to pounce on it…a chance to transform your life and make your mark.

Not by doing things that are soft and easy, but by following five rules that are hard, demanding and highly rewarding.


Over the years, I’ve learned a fewsecrets. The tips, tactics and strategies that have helped people to become superhuman and transform their life. Want to see ‘em? Go here and get my free manifesto.

You’ll find the tip about how to “10X Your Results” fascinating!

Gary Ryan Blair is creator of the 100 Day Challenge…a radical approach to goal achievement that shows people how to achieve 10X size goals by applying the methods and best practices of growth hacking.

If You’re Not Useful, You’re Useless



Gary Ryan Blair I Growth Hacking Aficionado
Mind Munchies

I Teach Ambitious People How to Use Performance Challenges to Drive Exponential Growth / Start Here: