Payback Is a Blessing

Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get back.

“Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.” — Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

When most people hear the word pay back…they often think of a word that rhymes with witch.

Not me. I prefer to focus on the silver lining…the bright side, and that’s what this message is all about.

To me, payback is an iron law which operates much like the law of reciprocity.

Here’s how it works…

Everything in life wishes to pay back and reward its contributors.

In fact, every contribution you make turns you into a benefactor, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of your contributions.

By giving to the garden, the flowers payback and reward you by blooming with bright, vibrant, and beautiful colors.

By donating to your children’s education, they pay back and reward you by becoming responsible, disciplined, and productive members of society.

By working for your client’s best interests, they pay back and reward you with loyalty and ongoing prosperity.

By giving money to your retirement fund, it pays you back with both peace of mind and an enjoyable final chapter of your life.

And by contributing to the health and well-being of your body through exercise and nutrition, it pays you back with responsiveness, flexibility, longevity, and optimal performance.

Those who contribute their time, talents, networks, and personal experience will be repaid in one way or another.

It may seem strange intellectually, but the world begins to conspire for you as whom or whatever benefits from your contributions wishes to respond and pay back the favor.

The lawn wishes to grow; the muscle begins to strengthen; and as the student’s mind expands, she will wish to repay you with her own success, accomplishments, and contributions to others.


Every institution needs performance, especially in the building and developing of children, teens, and leaders of tomorrow. And if deprived of performance, potential will decay and die.

Therefore, to ensure strong families, communities and prosperous businesses, a focus on unique contributions must be built into the very fabric of society and citizenship.

The definition of a successful life must include a contribution to the lives of others.

Any person who sets their sights on increasing the quality, quantity and consistency of their contribution, raises the sights and standards of everyone with whom they come in contact.

The heroes and heroines worthy of emulation are those who enrich our lives each day and each moment. Their contribution-their imprint upon our lives — is enduring and indelible.

Your commitment to contributing must therefore be a vow to responsible living and proper citizenship.

A meaningful life requires meaningful contributions and to focus on contributions is to focus on creating a meaningful life.


Consciously and deliberately set your mind on maximizing your contributions each day to your friends, family, clients and community.

By doing so, you automatically add significant value to those you serve…you strengthen your reputation, and you inspire people to make greater contributions as well.

In my book, that’s the best kind of payback!


If you want more tips and ideas to increase your productivity, eliminate procrastination and accelerate your goals, download my free manifesto.

You will find the tip about how to “10X Your Results” fascinating!

Gary Ryan Blair is the #1 Best Selling Author of Everything Counts and the creator of the 100 Day Challenge…a radical approach to goal achievement that shows people how to achieve 10X size goals by applying the methods and best practices of growth hacking! Get my free Achieve Goals Fast Manifesto here!



Gary Ryan Blair I Growth Hacking Aficionado
Mind Munchies

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