TOEFL. Writing task.

Juan Alonso Sierra Martínez
Mind of tennis
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2019

Question: Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Nature vs industry.

Some people have the idea that industry, enterprises and markets are enemies of nature and natural resources. In fact, they have some correct arguments to support how evil is the industry and markets nowadays. Evidently, big industries and factories are polluting the planet as a result of the production processes. On the other hand, there are a lot of enterprises that are conscious of the global warming and reduce trash in the process of creating products.

Enterprises and entrepreneurs must have and plan environmental friendly policies in their companies or projects to reduce contamination of the planet that is increasing, indeed. This is the reason why many politics organizations are getting involve in this special and important debate. Some parties in South America defend ecology radically and prohibit the develop of the commerce and business in specific regions of the countries. On the other politic spectrum, people can found specific traditional movements that dosen’t care about global warming, natural resources and ecology.

In contrast of this views, there are some no radical social movements and political organizations that are conscious about the importance of sustainability and the reasonable use of natural resources to develop the economy of the countries by protecting natural resources as much as they can for future generations and future companies. This kind of movements have the best option to maintain the industry as well as the ecology and wild life.

As a conclusion, it is important to keep a balance between industries and nature resources. Because the resources of the planet will be the future of human generations and the present generations has the duty to preserve natural resources. In that pourpose the leaders of our countries has to create environmental friendly policies in every single sector of economy and in each region to save land and protect the home of endangered animals.



Juan Alonso Sierra Martínez
Mind of tennis

Abogado de La Universidad de La Sabana. Interesado en la realidad política, económica jurídica en Colombia y España.