How To Meditate For Beginners

Shree Bhagwat
Mind Peace
Published in
6 min readSep 21, 2021

Meditation is a word that everyone has heard many times till now. In this new age of technology and development where workload and pressure have increased tremendously, people have been going through stress, anxiety, fear, and other emotional feelings which can cause a problem in their life.

Meditation by mindpeace

This is where meditation can come to rescue you out of your stress and help you refocus your mind into your pending work. Meditation helps in calming the mind and body. It helps to increase the focus and concentration on work. With meditation, you can achieve actual peace, stress-free, healthy lifestyle

So you decided to go ahead and start meditation. The next question is how to meditate, where to start, the dos and don’ts of meditation. With so many techniques and traditions out there, it's quite natural to feel confused and overwhelmed at the start. That's where Mind peace comes to helps you.

We at MindPeace, as the name suggest help people achieve actual mind peace and relieve their stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and also other factors that are responsible to make one lose their mind.

Time and Place

Meditation is effective if done regularly and not a one time thing. It will be easy if you create a habit of meditating at perticular place for a perticular time. This will help you to create a new routine for your self. Usually people meditate in the morning when they wake up or before going to bed. But its not limited to only these time period. Meditation can be done at anytime of the day. So decide which is the best part when you priotise meditation and meditate without being in rush.

Time and place for meditation

Find a place where you can be most comfortable with minimum distraction, it can be anywhere, bedroom, living room, study room, even a park or terrace of you house. We at mind peace suggest to have your own matress which you can use daily for meditation so with time that matress can become your comfort place where you can sit and meditate.

Lenght of Meditation

Decide the lenght or time for how long you are going to meditate. Also remember its not the lenght of the meditation that helps but the quality. Like how deep have you reached into meditation. But for starters we will set an amount of time to meditate so that we can fit our meditation routine into our daily routine.

For beginners 3 to 5 minutes or 10 minutes maximum of meditation is perfect time frame. This time frame makes it easier for us to practice meditation daily and it also dosent eat up time from our daily routine. This can be our perfect sweet spot for meditation.

The most important part of meditation is the quality of the meditation and not for long you have been meditating.


The position in which we meditate is very important. It should be comfortable and should not distract us. It can be a chair, bed, matress or simple sitting down on floor with legs crossed. Which ever postion you feel the most comfortable. We find sitting on matress with legs crossed is the most effective and best position for meditation, with your back straight but not tensed. You can use a cusion or pillow as a support to your back.

Rest you hand on your keen, lap or on to your sides.

Sitting postion for meditaiton

Eyes Closed ???

In Meditation you might have seen that many meditators close their eyes and go into an meditation state. Now we are not here clam anyone methods right or wrong but lets classify our position into two stages for now with respect to our mind.

Eyes Opened: — When our eyes are Opened we are in a complete state of awareness, where the users can observe everything that is happening in his surroundings, his mind and body as well.

Eyes Closed : — The state of sleep or unawareness. When our eyes are closed we slowly get un aware of our the things happening in our surroundings and also slowly loose the connections between our mind and body and go into the state of sleep.

Eyes Half Closed : — This of eyes where eyes are half closed and half open is the state between the stage Eyes opened and closed. In this state we are unware of our surroudings but we are somewhat aware of our minds and thoughts.

Eyes half closed is the best Eye Postition of Meditation and this Eye postition was invented by Gautam Bhuddha.

Eyes half closed and half open of Gautam Buddha sitting in meditation postion

Simple meditation for beginners

Meditation is a very vast topic and there are mant types of meditation which falls here. Some of them are easy while many of them are a bit hard are not suitable for beginners.

Below are few types of meditation

  • General Meditation
  • Advanced Meditation
  • Concentration Meditation
  • Vedic Meditation
  • Sound Meditation
  • Unguided Meditation
  • Zen Meditation
  • Affirmative Meditation
  • Mindfulness Meditation

General Meditation is best for the starters and is quite easy to begin with. In general meditation the main aim is to get familiar with the techniques of meditation and let our mind and body be relaxed and calm.

  • In this general meditation we just try to relax our mind and body and sync it completely with it self.
  • Come Into our Meditation Eye position ie. eyes half closed (if not possible, start with eyes closed) and just realx your mind and pay attention towards your breathing.
  • Let your mind be relaxed and out of controll.
  • Let it wonder and act on its own.
  • If any thoughts are comming, let them come and go.
  • Do not force your mind to be empty or on to some specific thought.
  • Just relax. and keep breathing.

Once you get familiar with this meditation then move a bit on to some of the difficult meditation techniques.


Meditation is not effective if you just do it once. To get best out come and actually feel relaxed and calm we must make sure that we meditate regularly. To make it reqular make sure that the time limit for meditaiton is not lenghty so that you can get that mich time even if your day is busy.

5 minutes daily meditation for 10 days will be more uselfull and important than 1 time 50 minutes of meditation

Approch meditation in a slow and steady way where our body and mind gets time to adjust to this new amazing change, also we get used to this routine.

As time passes and we slowly become used to our meditation habit and later it becomes as a part of life. The more we meditate the more we are able to better understand what kind of meditation is important and uselfull to us.

Just Start

There might be many questions and doubts regarding meditation and it can delay you or prevent you from actually starting the meditation process. So the best advice we give is to just start meditating and slowly you will get better at meditation. No matter how much you get distracted and disturbed by your surroundings or you mind, dont worry with practice and consistency you will get better at this.

