Is Being Different from Others Wrong?

Lekh Bajaj
Mind Solace Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2017
Courage to be different

“Am I different from other people?Why am I like this? Why can’t I be like others? Will they accept me as I am or do I need to change myself? Is something wrong with me?Shall I just be myself and create my own world?Are they judging me for who I am? Why is it so difficult for me to be like everyone else?Will I be happy to stay as I am or should I change myself to be the way others are?”

Do these questions bother you as well?

What does being different feel like?

There are times in our lives when we fall into the trap of self-doubt– a self-doubt emerging out of confusion about our behavior and thought-process in comparison to that of others. This doubt can make us question our own identity.

People often lose touch with their true nature and live their lives based on what others think and perceive of them. They always try to impress others. This can distance the person from his/her true identity and can lead to a sense of hollowness within. This, in turn, can lead to many mental health issues like Depression.

On the other hand, there are others who distance themselves from people around them. This might also lead to an unhappy life if you still get affected by other people’s judgments. This distancing might make you feel a lack of belongingness. The resultant loneliness can again lead to several mental health issues.

The better way to deal with such questions is to realize our uniqueness as well as that of everyone around.Each one of us is a unique combination of thoughts, emotions, belief systems, ideas, prejudice, and perceptions. And we don’t need to force ourselves to fit in with other people; we can be ourselves and still can make good bonds with others. In fact, we can make these “differences” our major strength! This would help us to add on to the larger society in our own unique way.

There are a good number of examples for people (who were different from general notions) who have lived extraordinary lives and have inspired millions through their uniqueness and talents. Paulo Coelho, Stephen Hawking, Galileo Galilei, Madam Curie, Ellen DeGeneres -these are just a few of those who changed the world because they weren’t a part of the “normal crowd!”

Take pride in being yourself and connect with others through your uniqueness.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” — Steve Jobs

Originally published at on September 7, 2017.

