10 Common Money Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Umar BaJwa
Mind Talk
Published in
9 min readAug 9, 2021

Regardless of whether you’re simply getting going all alone or you’ve been adulting for some time, there are a lot of cash mistakes you may be making. Some are little missteps that have simple fixes, while others are enormous ones that require more work and time, however most cash mistakes have this in common: they’re avoidable and fixable.

This is uplifting news for those of you who, similar to me, have understood that you’ve made some unreliable or essentially poorly educated monetary choices and need to improve going ahead. To assist you with staying away from cash related sorrow, here’s my rundown of 10 normal cash slip-ups and how to fix them.

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There are loads of mix-ups you could be making with regards to saving and investment accounts, yet the greatest one isn’t saving in any way.

You may figure you don’t have to save since you’re youthful and you have a lot of time to do that, or possibly you don’t save since you have very little additional cash after your bills are paid every month. In any case, this is you, it’s an ideal opportunity to alter your mentality.

Regardless of whether it’s putting something aside for retirement or simply fabricating a blustery day reserve, the sooner you start putting something aside for your future, the good you’ll be.

Here’s the way to fix it: Start paying yourself first consistently. At the point when you assemble your month to month spending plan, plan how much cash you can stand to “pay yourself” in the wake of taking care of every one of your bills. Have this sum naturally saved into a bank account.

In the event that you make saving a normal piece of your planning cycle and set up programmed stores it’s simpler to adhere to. What’s more, on the off chance that you at any point need to dunk into your investment funds you’ll have a superior image of how much cash you can truly stand to spend!


A subsequent saving mix-up you may be making isn’t exploiting free cash. There are two distinct ways you can commit this error: you don’t look for the best investment account financing costs for your requirements, or you don’t exploit your manager’s 401(k) or other retirement plan match.

Step by step instructions to fix it: Look into the investment account alternatives your monetary organization offers and ensure you meet the equilibrium and exchange prerequisites so you get delivered profits for you.

You can likewise look for the best rates or items in case you’re not 100% content with what your present monetary foundation offers. You may improve rate with an authentication of the store than a conventional bank account, yet you’ll must secure your cash for some time.

Likewise, if your manager offers a match on retirement plan commitments, make a point to contribute to some extent enough to get that match. On the off chance that you can contribute, significantly more, that is an or more.

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One of the most straightforward approaches to get over your head in Visa obligation is by charging things you needn’t bother with. In the event that you have a cashback or different prizes Mastercard you may utilize it for all your everyday buy to exploit reward focuses, however this framework isn’t for everybody.

On the off chance that you can’t take care of your card each month, or you realize it’ll prompt overspending, you need to roll out an improvement.

Instructions to fix it: Identify every one of the things you binge spend on consistently and make an arrangement for wiping out those buys or incorporate them into your financial plan. On the off chance that you can’t financial plan for it, you can’t bear the cost of it, and you unquestionably shouldn’t charge it.

Then, at that point, keep yourself responsible to the arrangement by taking a gander at your financial records prior to making buys. An overall general guideline I recommend following is just charging things you have the cash to pay for as of now. With versatile banking, there’s no reason for not knowing your equilibriums.

It’s a beneficial routine to get in so you can securely fabricate credit while shielding yourself from pointless obligation.


I’ve been there with charge card obligation. It’s so natural to fall into obligation utilizing a charge card in any event, when you mean well of taking care of the equilibrium.

When you’re in too far, it very well may be unbelievably hard to uncover your direction, particularly on the off chance that you have relatively little additional pay to put toward the equilibrium. In case you’re conveying exorbitant premium charge card obligation month-to-month without taking care of it, you’re squandering cash and you will require an arrangement.

Instructions to fix it: If you have various Visas, make the base installments on every one of the cards, and apply whatever additional assets you have every month to either the biggest equilibrium (obligation torrential slide) or the littlest (obligation snowball). As you begin to take care of card adjusts, you can take the additional cash and apply it to your leftover obligation, which will help you take care of all your obligation speedier.

On the off chance that you just have one card, begin arranging the amount you can sensibly put towards the equilibrium every check, and set up programmed installments so you can begin settling your obligation when you get paid.

Pro tip: Consider merging various cards into one low-rate card. This makes overseeing installments simpler and you’ll pay less in interest over the long haul. Many cards offer 0% for a specific time frame (simply ensure you know the rate after the introduction time frame is finished).

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Regardless of whether it’s going out with companions, doing a pleasant action with family, or going out on the town, you need to have the option to have a great time without worrying over what you can or can’t bear. This is the place where planning for entertainment only becomes possibly the most important factor.

Regardless of how incredible your spending plan is in case it’s excessively unbending and it doesn’t permit you to have a daily existence it will not work.

The most effective method to fix it: If subsequent to anticipating bills and paying yourself (as examined above) you actually have some cash left over every month, spending it for no particular reason exercises.

Saving some money that is explicitly for having a great time, unwinding, or appreciating pastimes will help you adhere to your financial plan, and that implies more cash remaining in your reserve funds, less charges waiting on your Visa and less cash uneasiness for you.

What’s more, in the event that you don’t have additional assets extra, it’s OK. A couple months will pay off over the long haul when you see the distinction you’re making in settling obligation.

Pro tip: In the event that you have “fun cash” extra toward the month’s end, turn it over for the following month and plan something unwinding for yourself to appreciate!


A few group see having credit as superfluous, and those individuals aren’t right. A decent FICO assessment can help you catch that fantasy condo or an astonishing rate on your home loan, and a terrible score can keep you from a great deal of your monetary and life objectives. Try not to allow this to happen to you!

Instructions to fix it: First of all, on the off chance that you don’t have credit, begin building it. A low-limit Mastercard or a little close to home advance that you can take care of rapidly are both acceptable spots to begin setting up and building credit. Additionally, putting family charges like power and gas in your name can fabricate credit.

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Keeping your credit sound is a difficult exercise and dismissing it is a slip-up that is made over and over again. It’s dependent upon you to get mistakes with your assessment or report, and chances are a misstep may spring up every now and then.

For reference, in 2016, 74% of the purchaser protests made to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) were with respect to mistaken data on a credit report.

Instructions to fix it: Once you begin building credit, remember to screen your score. Realize what adversely and decidedly influences it and change your accounts and obligation in like manner (in the event that you can), and ensure your Credit assessment is right so you can receive the best rewards from it as could really be expected.


Have I continued on pointlessly enough yet? You need a financial plan. You need an approach to follow pay versus costs, just as the responsibility that a financial plan gives. Making a financial plan isn’t fun however it doesn’t need to be muddled.

Step by step instructions to fix it: Find a spending technique that works for you — like the envelope Budget, a basic accounting page, or an online application like our Money Management Tool or Mint. Simply figure out how to follow your pay and costs that bodes well.

Whenever you’ve made a practical financial plan with bills, reserve funds, and fun cash all incorporated into it, don’t wander from it except if you totally need to.

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There are a few sorts of obligation botches that can prevent your monetary prosperity, as not completely understanding understudy loans and how you’ll be influenced by them after graduation.

On the off chance that you need understudy loans (or some other sort of advance, besides) for your schooling, attempt to acquire a decent comprehension of the reimbursement cycle and just take as much out as you totally need for school.

Step by step instructions to fix it: If you’re as yet in school and utilizing credits to pay for it, crunch the numbers to discover the amount you really need for every semester and don’t get even an additional penny. Taking out additional credit cash is simply going to hurt you over the long haul.

On the off chance that you’ve effectively graduated, converse with your moneylender about your loan cost and set up a reimbursement plan. In the event that you have government advances you may be qualified for extraordinary reimbursement plans, and you deserve to see whether you qualify.

By the day’s end, you must take care of them so you better begin.


If there’s anything you can do about it, don’t take out advances or pile up Visa unpaid liability for things like weddings. Despite the fact that my wedding was a superb occasion that I recall affectionately, I wouldn’t say a one day festivity (regardless of how unique at the time) merits piling up more unpaid liability.

A similar thought applies to other life occasions, such as purchasing another house or vehicle. I’m not against getting a home loan or vehicle advance, however truly evaluate your necessities versus needs prior to assuming new obligation.

Do you truly require a greater house or a fancier vehicle? Provided that this is true, would you be able to manage the cost of the new, higher installments? Or on the other hand, could you keep on living inside your means so you can try not to add new obligation?

As decent as a bigger house or a fancier vehicle may be right away, something else probably won’t merit adding more obligation and cash related pressure to your life.

The most effective method to fix it: If there’s a wedding in your future and you’re the one paying for it, put it down on the calendar for far enough later on that you have the opportunity to put something aside for it.

Thank you for reading.



Umar BaJwa
Mind Talk

Writing on self-awareness, mindset, and personal growth.