18 Lessons I Learned In 18 Years Of My Life.

Mind Talk
Published in
10 min readFeb 28, 2024


Lessons From My Life

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Life's lessons never end. With the addition of a brand new year to our lives, we learn a new lesson.

I wrote an article named “17 things I’ve learned in 17 years of my life.”


So I had the idea of writing a new one with a new lesson. This article is not going to be the deluxe version; rather, I’ll write it completely from scratch.

When Life gives you lesson you turn it into an article.

These lessons are not exclusive to me, and everyone can relate to most of them.

Without further unnecessary introduction, let’s dive into it.

1. You don’t look for places to fit in; you create them.

My whole life revolves around it. I’ve never found myself fitting in any group. I used to think that I'd be better in a different place.

A place where people will understand me. A place where no one will judge me. Everybody loves a free environment.

Everyone has a different definition of a free environment. It seems to be a place where I can speak openly and dress however I want to.

It turns out there are no such places. You can turn anything into anything according to your desires. You need to work on it.

Criticism is a part of life, and you’ll receive it no matter where you go.

If you think you’ll be happy somewhere else, you’ll never be happy where you are right now.

2. Life is going to teach you lessons; don’t let it teach you the same lesson twice.

If you think life is testing you constantly and you are stuck in a loop of problems, chances are you are not learning from your past mistakes.

You are not making efforts to avoid them in the future. There’s a difference between failing again and again and failing for the same reason.

You want something, but you fail, so learn what causes you to fail and make new strategies.

A lot of people will disagree with me, but I think it’s all in your mind that life doesn’t test us as much as we assume it does.

You can take every task as a problem or as a new challenge.

Solve the problem or leave the problem; don’t live with the problem.

3. If it gets hard for you to keep your friends, then they were never your friends.

Friends are supposed to light up your day; if you have to fuel them up, then it’s better to be alone.

A real best friend will always understand you and create a comfortable space for you.

Here’s the catch: sometimes you have to take steps to save your friendship, and that’s only when you make some mistakes or misconceptions.

But if you always have to justify yourself and it becomes usual for you to apologize for everything, then it’s time for you to let them go.

Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.

Photo by Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

4. Never change yourself; always update yourself.

You should evolve our time since things never stay the same. In this marathon of life, you always need new strategies to keep moving.

There are certain things in your life that define you and have created you. You should never forget who you were.

Always give the world a better version of yourself, but never lose yourself in building yourself.

You think you have flaws and want to change them for good. Do it. But if those flaws define you and have deep roots in your life, then you don’t need to change them.

Always keep your ego aside while defining yourself, while creating yourself, and while refining yourself.

What you have, many can have. But who you are, no one can be.

5. Instead of focusing on the destination, enjoy every moment of your journey.

When we love what we’re doing, everything goes smoothly, like butter. Then we don’t have to count days.

Journeys can be tiresome and overwhelming. Not everyone can enjoy what they’re doing, and I can understand that.

When you have clear goals and you put your heart and tears into them, it automatically becomes fun and easy for you.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to force yourself to be on the path that you have chosen, which is now not worth your effort.

Never be afraid of starting things over again.

Don’t pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure the hard one.

6. Life gives you the option to grow or to play the victim.

Never show your scars to people who can’t see the pain they cause.

This world is designed for you to be in pain. Everyone goes through hard times. Everyone thinks the pain they are going through is the worst in the history of mankind.

Believe me when I say no one is interested in the drama you’re going through.

Without falling, life is incomplete. You’re built to fall and to stand again, not for falling and crying over bruises you got.

If you never bleed, you’re never going to grow.

7. True love stays forever; if it leaves, it was never true to you.

Everything feels meaningless when that one person leaves you. The one you loved the most.

True love will always stay, even after death. You’ll feel it in the air.

True love will make your everyday special. It’s like living a whole new life. You will never get bored of hearing the same thing. You will always think of them in every situation.

I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.

Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

8. Don’t trust tomorrow; start with today.

No one has seen tomorrow; only predictions are made based on the present and the plans they have made for it.

The best time to start something is right now. There’s no such thing as the right time.

You are losing your time by believing that it’s not the best time.

Only if you are true to what you want, why you want it, and how you’ll get it. Then you’ll not wait for it; you’ll just do it.

You’re never wrong for doing the right thing.

9. It’s not the words that hurt; it’s the meaning we add to them.

For a writer, words are everything, and readers only relate to them when they add the meanings most true to them.

If you are doing what you want and you know why you’re doing it, then keep it up.

Don’t listen to what they are saying. Drop their words to the ground; add no meaning to them.

What you want is far more important than adding meaning to people’s words that are not going to help you achieve your goals.

A man is not hurt so much by what happens, as by his opinion of what happens.

10. Don’t treat everyone the same.

While we mostly focus on ourselves as the main characters, we imagine everyone playing a minor role.

Not everyone is the same, and not everyone deserves the same treatment from you.

Treat everyone the same way they treat you.

Never be so kind; you forgot to be clever. Never be so cleaver; you forgot to be kind.

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

11. It’s easier to turn a nebula into a star inside the skull than to turn a seed into a plant inside the globe.

Living in our imaginary world always feels cozy and peaceful, but what you’re thinking of is not always what you’ll get.

If you want something done, you need to stop thinking about it.

In our minds, we create unexpected scenarios that lead us to total disappointment the moment we do them.

We often daydream about something being a piece of cake, only to realize that at the very last moment.

Never create unrealistic expectations.

12. You don’t have to be perfect to try it; you’ll get better as you do it.

As an artist, I’ve always put myself down, thinking I can’t do it the best way. I need to be perfect, even if I’m doing it for the first time.

The truth is, you don’t need to.

You’ll get better and better the more you do it. If you want something, jump straight into it and enhance yourself over time.

The best way to finish something is to start it.

13. You don’t give advice upon which you don’t act yourself.

Always lead by example when giving advice to others. You can’t expect someone to be perfect if you yourself are not.

You can’t stop someone from smoking if you smoke 5 times a day.

Advice is essential, and it keeps us on track. Everyone looks for a piece of advice at certain points in life.

Be a role model to others, and at the top of the list, be a role model for yourself.

People with the best advice are usually the ones who have been through the most.

14. Never let your inner child die.

As I’ve said earlier in the marathon of life, don’t lose yourself.

Don’t lose yourself while finding others. You should always be your first priority.

There’s light inside of us that shines and brightens our lives. Never let anything dim that light.

Your inner child is your best friend. Give it time. It’s at the top of the list, waiting for your love.

You’ll always feel trapped and hopeless. If you put your inner child down,.

Hear me out. Your inner child never dies. It just hides itself from the cruel world. It’s a flame that can start a fire; you just need to ignite it.

I love fantasy; I love imagination — that’s the inner child in me.

Photo by Nick Andréka on Unsplash

15. You don’t need to be loved by anyone.

Self-love is the best love. If you can love yourself, then you’re the strongest person on Earth.

It feels good to look at someone who’s proud of you, but if there’s no one, don’t get discouraged; you can do it on your own.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

Keep your circle small and keep it real. Everyone’s favorite is often the one who is most lonely.

People who crave love lower their values just to get a small sensation of pleasure.

In this way, they lose their self-esteem and become people-pleasers. Build a strong personality.

Show who you are, and wait for people to love who you truly are. Not everyone is going to like it, and that’s what you need.

Be your own kind of beautiful.

16. Today is different from yesterday. Don’t treat yourself like yesterday.

An Elephant was tied to an easily breakable rope and some asked his owner why he was not trying to break it, to which the owner replied,

“When he was little, he was weak. He often tried to break it but failed. Now he still thinks he will fail; therefore, he doesn’t try.”

From the story described above, we learned that just because you weren’t able to do it yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t do it today.

Every day is different, as are the opportunities and the strengths. Don’t go hard on yourself.

Treat yourself with kindness Give yourself chances, and try again and again.

A new day brings new opportunities. Treat every day as your last.

17. Just because everyone is going doesn’t mean that you have to do it.

Never ever follow the rat race. You create your own paths and your own destinations.

Choose the right path for yourself, not the one that everyone else is choosing.

What’s good for everyone else doesn’t mean it’s good for you too.

After picking the path that defines you, even if you fail, you still have the experience, and the pain of failing is better than the pain of not trying.

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat

18. Don’t follow the trends; create your own.

Be a trend-starter, not a follower.

You've got the spirit and the power to be your own celebrity. You’ve got the same power as everyone else.

Build a personality that everyone wants to follow and copy.

Be an IT person. Be the one you love, not what everyone wants.

Have so much confidence and trust in yourself that even if you do something out of line, everyone will call it a piece of art.

I’ve seen people with such high self-esteem that no matter what they do, everyone praises them.

If they can do it, you can do it. Don’t look at why you can't look at how you can.

Being a trendsetter is much better and more rewarding than being a trend follower, both in life and in business

