3 lessons I learned from my 3 year old

Anjala Kader
Mind Talk
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2024
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

When it comes to parenting, especially the first child, it is a bloodbath more often than not. There is a huge paradigm shift, a steep learning curve and an emotional rollercoaster ride to top it all off. You’re learning, there is a tiny human you’re trying so hard to keep alive and healthy… Every. Single. Day.

While parenting is an investing process, it isn’t always tedious.

You learn along with them, little by little, by setting routines that work for you, building bridges and walls around you and the tiny person from friends and foes.

You learn to show them more than tell them.

You control yourself more than you control them.

Discipline is a two-way street, which I’ve got to learn the hard way.

After three years of trial and error, I know I have done a decent job raising a beautiful, kind, and bundle of joy of a tiny human. Moreover, this chaotic wonderland that is my life with a toddler has also been one of many tiny revelations.

Who knew my pint-sized philosopher had so much power?

Here we go.

1. Hugs can solve 90% of the problem.

As a natural koala, I used to think they were just a feel-good gesture, an oddly soothing, calming gesture. But my little girl has proved that hugs are like the superhero cape of problem-solving.

Be it full-blown tantrums, spilt drinks, unfriendly emotions or mini rebellions, I’ve discovered a warm, cuddly embrace can work wonders.

As Ana Huang says, sometimes we need words to communicate. Other times, we didn’t need words at all

2.If you’re happy and you know it, shout it out!

This one is straight from the rhyming song you just remembered, right?

It turns out that verbally expressing emotions — joy, grief, anger and frustration — can actually help both parties connect and engage better.

According to my 3YO, if you’re happy, you just have to shout it out, announce the clan and spread the joy ASAP.

So be it big or small, if you’re happy and you know it, give it a good shout and let the good vibes spread.

3. Try your best. If you get stuck, ask for help.

Oftentimes, toddlers are channelling overwhelming emotions, which they have little to no control over handling.

From building blocks to pushing in the shoe, toddlers are all about giving it a shot, but sometimes things don’t work the way they should right? So when things get a little sticky, there is no shame in raising your hand and asking for help.

It’s a lesson in humility, teamwork and most importantly, connecting with each other, and honestly, we adults could take a cue from it.

In short, our toddlers are not just energy and giggles; they’re tiny coaches, reflecting on the actions and gestures of the big humans they know, learning, mimicking and teaching themselves and the people around them, that sometimes life can be as easy as we can perceive it.

From learning to view the world from a 3ft height, I’ve grown to appreciate a little profound truth: There is almost nothing more calming than a hug, a kiss, a loving whisper and shouting out when happy!



Anjala Kader
Mind Talk

Freelance writer. Loves art, words, humans and their stories. Empowering brands and biz a word at a time!