3 Weird Things To Do When Life Feels Empty

Don’t be afraid to live how you want

Mind Talk


Zohvib. Zohaib. 3 Weird Things To Do When Life Feels Empty. life. life lessons
Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Moments when the humdrum of daily routine sucks the life out of us.

The same job, the same people, the same conversations, and the same environments — everything becomes mundane and uninspiring. You feel stuck in a loop, and life seems as empty as a deserted alley at midnight.

But, here’s a wacky idea. What if these low points aren’t life’s way of knocking you down, but an invitation to spice things up a bit?

Yes, I’m suggesting you should indulge in a few weird practices to shake off the monotony. It might sound bonkers, but hear me out.

In this read, I’ll discuss three weird things to do when life feels empty. Brace yourself, as we’re about to dive into a delightful quirkiness.

Become a Foolish Expert

Ever heard about someone mastering the art of folding paper napkins into dinosaurs, or someone creating a miniature art museum for ants? Unusual, right?

But these “foolish” pursuits could just be the missing puzzle pieces in your life!

Find something obscure, something absurd that hardly anyone pays attention to. Then, become an expert in it.

You might be thinking, “Why on earth would I do that?” Well, why not?

Toying with oddity adds a dash of color to our gray existence. You start looking at things differently. You learn to find joy in the bizarre.

The act of becoming a “foolish” expert not only helps break the cycle of routine, but it also broadens your horizons, encourages creative thinking, and can even become a fascinating conversation starter at parties.

Who wouldn’t want to chat with someone who can identify all species of mold or is an expert in Martian weather patterns? This pursuit is an antidote to dullness, and it’s worth a shot!

Adopt a ‘Rejection Challenge’

One of the reasons why life can feel monotonous is our inherent fear of rejection. We often avoid trying new things or taking risks because we’re afraid of the dreaded ‘No’.

But, imagine a world where you could take rejection on the chin and laugh about it. Would you still stick to the same old, same old? Probably not!

Try this — for a week or a month, adopt a ‘rejection challenge’. Each day, put yourself in a situation where you could be rejected.

Ask for a discount at a store, apply for a job you think you’re underqualified for, or even confess your secret hobby of collecting banana stickers to your friends.

The beauty of this weird tactic is two-fold.

First, you become immune to the sting of rejection. Each ‘No’ chips away at your fear until you’re no longer held back by the dread of dismissal.

Second, you open yourself to countless opportunities. As the saying goes, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

So, take that shot, face the possibility of rejection, and who knows, you might end up turning the emptiness into a treasure trove of new experiences.

Embark on a Journey of ‘Random Kindness’

Remember the last time you did something kind for a stranger? How did that make you feel? Pretty good, right?

Now, what if you start a journey of random acts of kindness, but with a peculiar twist? The twist is — the weirder the act, the better.

Leave an anonymous note complimenting someone’s shoes. Buy a coffee for the next person in line at the cafe. Plant a tree in your neighbor’s yard (with their permission, of course).

The feeling of giving, especially when it’s unexpected, strange, and anonymous, can inject a sense of purpose into your life.

It breaks the routine, brings a smile to someone’s face, and leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

What could be a better antidote to life’s emptiness than making the world a little bit kinder, a tad bit weirder, and a whole lot happier?

Embrace the Weirdness, Reignite Your Life

Life has its highs and lows, its excitements and its drudgeries. When the scales seem to tip towards the latter, it’s easy to feel that life is empty.

But, is it? Or is it just waiting for you to step up and bring in a bit of zany, a dash of wild, and a touch of weirdness?

Becoming a foolish expert, embracing a rejection challenge, and embarking on a journey of random kindness might seem weird, but they can be a refreshing escape from the mundanity.

They can fill your life with vibrant colors, exciting stories, and new perspectives. So, next time when life seems to lose its spark, remember this — it’s not empty.

It’s a blank canvas, waiting for you to paint it with the hues of your imagination, even if those hues are a little on the odd side.

After all, who wants to be normal when you can be interesting? Embrace the weirdness, and reignite your life!



Mind Talk

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