4 Reasons You Should Use Software to Organize Your Photos

Otherwise, it will take forever!!

Allison Lee
Mind Talk
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2021


You might be thinking, “I can organize my photos by myself.” But it’s not always easy to find the time.

Photo organizing is a tedious process that most people don’t enjoy doing. You might even end up forgetting some of your pictures because you didn’t categorize them properly!

Fortunately, there are now programs that allow you to automatically organize your digital photo collection with ease. In this blog post, we will talk about why you should use software to automatically organize your photos so that they are easy to identify and access.

1. It saves you time by sorting your photos into chronological folders for you.

How many photos do you have? Do you know where they are? Your phone(s), desktop, laptop, on the cloud (iCloud, Dropbox, Google Photos, Google Drive,…..), external hard drives… it goes on and on. Chances are you have 1000s if not 10s of 1000s scattered across all these devices.

Now imagine if you wanted them organized by date. You would have to copy and paste/drag and drop thousands of photos one at a time into folders just to get them organized.

Painful right? And chances are you might not ever do it.

Photo organizing software is designed to sort your folders by date and actually move the photos into the right folder.

That’s right. It does it for you saving you hours and hours of time.

2. It helps you get rid of duplicate photos.

Have you been guilty of copying your photos over and over to protect them from getting deleted or lost? So many people do this. But what happens is that you end up with a huge mess of duplicates everywhere that seems impossible to sort out.

Photo organizing software will actually catch the duplicates as it organizes your photos.

For example, if you tell the software to sort a folder of photos by year and by month, it will only sort one copy of each photo and will leave the duplicates behind for you to either delete or go through when you have time.

The result? You end up with a master photo collection that is not only organized but free of duplicates.

3. You will be able to see all your photos.

Have you ever tried to find a special photo and had to open up every.single.folder on your computer looking for it? And maybe you even had to backtrack because you forgot which ones you searched?

It’s so frustrating, isn’t it?

With photo organizing software, you can see all your photos at one time which allows you to easily scroll through your photos and find the one you are looking for. No more photos hiding behind folder labels. You can easily see your entire collection or drill down into years and months.

Which makes it super easy to….

4. Tag your favourite photos and organize them into albums or collections.

Most photo organizing software has features that allow you to tag your favorites, add keywords and use features like facial recognition to further organize your collection.

That way you can easily make photobooks, slideshows and videos by searching for photos that have the same attributes like peoples’ names, holidays, or simply your favorites of the year.

I create photobooks for my kids every year and it makes them feel special that I take the time to make something just for them. Photo organizing software is a must-have if you are wanting to create a family history in an efficient way.

5. The best part? You don’t have to use the same software for the rest of your life.

There are several options when it comes to which software to use. Some are free and some are subscription-based. Decisions around which to use, which features you really need, and the price is something that should be looked into.

One of the most important things to check is whether when you are done organizing your photos, you can delete the software and keep your organized photos in your well-structured folder system on your computer.

All of the programs I recommend allow you to stop using the program and maintain your collection on your computer without it.

Of course, you may find the software so life-changing that you keep it around forever, but that is something you should decide based on how much you like the program, not because it is holding your photos hostage.

In the end, getting your photos organized so that you can finally use them to create a photo history for your family is life-changing. And photo organizing software will get you there so much faster than if you were to go it alone.

In my next article, I will talk about which software programs are my favourites.

If you would like to learn more about how to organize your photos quickly and without stress, head over to www.allisonlee.com.au.

Please leave any comments that you might have.



Allison Lee
Mind Talk

Professional Memory Curator and Photographer helping you create your family photo history with ease and purpose.