Mental health journal — 1

5 Powerful Healing Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Setraj Jahan
Mind Talk
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2023


It’s time for a bit of soul nourishment

Fallen leaves, a pair of shoes
My tired feet always get to learn things the hard way (Image by the Author)

Mental health care was taboo in our society (and still is, kinda). However, thanks to social awareness progress, we now have some options for mental health counseling. More and more friendly discussions, reminders, and awareness-raising events are happening.

Amidst all this, it is crucial to develop healthy habits to care for ourselves. That way, we can face the challenges of the world around us with courage.

In this blog, I have combined five amazing healing techniques that can enhance your mental and physical health. So, my dear homies, let’s see what lies ahead for us without further ado.

Art therapy

One of my most fav letter arts (❁´◡`❁), it’s silly tho

Before trying it for mental healing, I literally had no idea what I was getting myself into. Doodling and coloring were always like a hobby. But last year, when I was about to hit rock bottom due to some stressful moments, I just jumped into it. It was letter art for me.

I am nowhere near perfection. Yet, the way these art forms (so far, I have tried doodling, letter art, and pattern art) helped me calm my mind was unbelievable. Gradually, I came out of the mental crisis.

But how does art therapy help?

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

You can use art therapy to express yourself and improve your mental health. Thus, it can-

· Support your emotional recovery

· Encourage overall self-awareness

· Help with stress management

· Enhance your interpersonal skills

· And lastly, develop self-confidence.

A wide variety of art therapy is available. You can either do it yourself or get help from a professional. Art therapy usually involves painting, coloring, doodling, pattern and Zentangle art forms, mandala art, boho art forms, making sculptures, etc.

But the rule of thumb is-


Self-help books and podcasts

Being productive can help you sort out your unbalanced mental condition. And in a case like this, self-help books can guide you in organizing your mind.

A tiny lil world of books (Image by the author)

I recommend books like- You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay, Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday, and The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.

Then again, the internet has useful resources like audiobooks and podcasts. If you are rushing around all day, listening to informational and relaxing self-awareness podcasts will help you get inspired.

But hey! Have you tried listening ‘’On Purpose with Jay Shetty’’ yet? Try it out. :)

Exercising regularly

To exercise or not to exercise, that is the question. Hmm…

Image by the author (Canva)

Can you see that HUGE (!) myth bubble saying that you only exercise when you want to lose weight?

Obviously, that is partially true, but your ultimate goal is to take care of your physical and mental health through exercise. Here’s what you need to do to get started:

· Choose an exercise form you enjoy. You love to dance? Practice Zumba dance or your favorite dancer’s latest dance reels. You love form of meditation? Yoga can be the most effective option to heal you from within. Then again, strength training, walking, cycling, swimming, and cardio release the healthy hormones in you along with keeping you sweating.

· Start with low intensity and less time. In that way, it will be easier to be consistent.

· Set a timer for exercise. You can try out Forbes recommended fitness apps like MyfitnessPal, Seven, or Burn.Fit to track your progress.

· Remember, there’s no perfect time for exercising. Some people find it relaxing to exercise before bed, while others find morning exercise beneficial. I am not a morning person, so nighttime and evening suits me best. So, it’s your call.

· Lastly, do not overdo it. Remember to take breaks so that you can take rest. Your body and mind will thank you for that. :)

Change in lifestyle

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

I need another 1000 words to breakdown this point, to be honest. Lifestyle change is nothing but a long-term plan for your day-to-day life. However, this is the time to garbage the ideas of drastic changes in your body and mind.

Take baby steps and celebrate the small wins that life offers you. Here are some tips from my experience-

· A routined sleep schedule is a must for keeping you away from anxiety and stress. However, you cannot fix a messed-up sleep cycle in a day. If you’re awake at 10 AM every day, try to wake up at 9.45 AM the next day. Setting small goals will gradually lead you to your destination.

· You have probably heard that a hundred times by now. That eating healthy foods means avoiding all the charms of life such as sugar, chocolate, your favorite choice of pizza, and so on. But hey! Come on babe! I can’t ditch my latte and cheesecake.

Here’s where we have fallen in love with our cheat days. While being on a particular diet, you can still treat yourself to your favorite meal if you accomplish a fitness goal. That will get your mind in gear.

· If you have the habit of drinking and smoking, cut it down. There is no alternative. And these things might give you a temporary thrill, but ultimately end up giving you an unhealthy mental health condition.

Keeping a gratitude journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is an effective way to cultivate a positive mindset toward life.

Photo by Rachel Coyne on Unsplash

Some situations will always be out of your control. Therefore, rather than running behind them and losing the charms of present days, take things one day at a time, looking all around you as you go.

And every morning or night, write about five things that make life worthwhile for you. Come back to visit the journal whenever you are having a bad day. I hope that offers you the assurance and traquil moments you need from life.

Wrap up

Ensuring you’re mentally healthy is just as important as being physically healthy. I hope incorporating the above practices in your daily life makes life enjoyable and calm. Before I go, here’s a quote from my favorite author, Haemin Sunim.

Sunflower is called the happy flower__Photo by Mike Marrah on Unsplash

“The more grateful we feel, the happier we become. This is because gratitude helps us realize we are all connected. Nobody feels like an island when feeling grateful. Gratitude awakens us to the truth of our interdependent nature.”

Thank you for stopping by you lovely soul. Until next time, take care of your mental health and be peaceful.

I am writing on Medium after almost a year. Yap! My hectic life schedule didn’t allow me to manage all tasks simultaneously.
So, I have decided to return to my comfort niches here. Mental health, self-growth, my poetry and prose, I am planning to embark on the journey again. Wish me luck, my beautiful hoomans. (✿◠‿◠)



Setraj Jahan
Mind Talk

From childhood to this age, writing has always engaged my heart with the soul. Now it’s my profession and my lovely little pursuit of deep satisfaction. :)