5 Reasons Why Every College Student Should Write On The Internet

Start now, reap your rewards later

Almar Tagara
Mind Talk
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


A group of people who are doing their meeting at the restaurant.
Photo by Helena Lopes: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-friends-hanging-out-933964/

Writing online will open new opportunities for you.

If you write content about the dreams of your ideal readers, they will pay attention to your message. Writing a lot will give you clarity. It will help you share the lessons you learned from your past.

So, if writing online can change your life, here are the best reasons to start now.

1. It will help you understand the interests of your audience

Writing on the internet will give you data.

For example, if you write on Medium, you can see the views on your stories and how many people read it. In the beginning, write about different topics. Remember, the data doesn’t lie.

So, grab a sheet of paper, and write different headlines about your chosen topics and let the data write your next story.

2. You can build your personal brand by writing

It is important to realize what you want to be known for as early as possible.

Why? It will help you create a plan for your goals. Building a personal brand takes time.

So, create content around the topics you want to be known for and attract people with your content.

3. It will help you find new friends.

If you want build new relationships, engage in their content.

After engaging on their content for more than a week, send them a message. Give them a compliment, ask a question, and listen to their answers. Don’t try to sell them on the first message if they are prospects.

Building a new relationship takes time so you should focus first on gaining their trust.

4. You can learn new skills

Learning a new skill takes time.

If you put an hour every single day to practice your writing skills, you will see improvement. Reading a new book can improve you vocabulary. But, it is not a substitute for writing.

For example, Stephen King reads more than 100 books every single year, but he also writes 6 pages a day.

5. You can build your own credibility

Building your credibility comes from experience.

So, if you want people to listen to you, add statistics to your opinions. Tell them a story on how you accomplish your goals. Tell them about your past writing experience.

People love to listen from experts, so start writing now and serve your target audience.

Thanks for reading!

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Almar Tagara
Mind Talk

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/almartagarasaas/