5 Ways I Destress Without Breaking The Bank

Theophilus Adeyinka
Mind Talk
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2022

A Practical Guide For Men

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Tired? You look around and there are these little tasks to do but you never seem to have the energy to do them?

Maybe you open your laptop. You try to get creative. But all you have is a blank screen and a mind racing out of control?

Then man, you are stressed. And you’re not alone.

Below are 5 smart ways I use to destress, feel rejuvenated, and take my life back:

1. Get Organized

Sometimes the fault is your environment. If your house or workspace is a messy pile of papers, books, and clothes, you won’t feel in control. Your brain will think it has an endless list of tasks it can never finish. So, it throws in the towel.

Therefore for a moment, stop whatever you are doing (after all you’re not making progress), take a deep breath, and drink a glass of water. Then reset the mood for your brain by organizing your environment. Clean and make a to-do list. Perhaps during this exercise, you will get a sudden dose of inspiration that you can leverage later.

2. Bath with warm water, then with cold:

Now that your environment is organized, you want to restore your body too. Perhaps you’re even tired from all that organization.

The warm water opens up your pores and you will feel better blood run through your veins. Then just as this is ending, round it up with a cold bath. This puts you back in default mode. It is simply relaxing.

3. Get some sunlight:

One of the well-known, health benefits of exposure to sunlight is Vitamin D. It is known to improve mental health, optimize physical performance, and protect against disease.

You can’t stay in that your air conditioner all day and not be depressed. You’re not a fish. Go out, enjoy nature, look at fine ladies (or men), and appreciate your environment. Talk to a random stranger too. Just make sure you get some sunlight through this process.

4. Try a massage (or use your own spa salt):

Depending on your pocket, you may want to visit a massage parlour too. Those light touches and cracking muscles can do magic to your body.

But what if you can’t afford to splurge on fancy massages? Buy a spa salt. It comes in handy. Simply apply all over your body and those terrible crevices (your chest, armpit, and asshole) that need exfoliation. You will smell heavenly afterward and feel refreshed.

5. Just sleep:

If you can’t do any of the above after bathing, at least get some sleep. Put your gadgets far away, play a soft tune, and lay still. Sometimes, good sleep is all you need. You will wake up feeling like a million dollars then you can have a go at life again.

Other ways to explore include talking to a loved one or listening to music. Hearing the reassuring voice of the people we love floods our brain with endorphins, serotonin, and other feel-good hormones. You may also want to try some sex if the heavens smile on you. Or watch some comedy if you’re less fortunate.

In all, take a break. Life is a marathon and we can’t all solve our problems in a day. Rest is a powerful strategy to last in the game.



Theophilus Adeyinka
Mind Talk

...spreading ideas that work. Educator and aspiring founder who believes the greatest good you can do is to own a business that solves for the customer.