7 Systems To Build A Life Of Abundance

And here’s why you need to know about it

Mind Talk
4 min readJul 12, 2023


Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Abundance. The word itself sounds, well, abundant, doesn’t it? But what does it mean to live a life of abundance? It’s not about having heaps of money, fancy cars, or large mansions.

While those things can be components of abundant life for some, it doesn’t paint the complete picture.

A life of abundance is one overflowing with happiness, fulfillment, meaning, and yes, prosperity in all its many forms.

It’s about waking up every morning feeling enthusiastic about the day, carrying a deep sense of purpose and peace in your heart.

But, how do you get there? It all starts with the right mindset.

The mindset of abundance is the cornerstone of plentiful life. It’s the belief that there’s plenty in the world for everyone, including you.

It’s the conviction that you’re not limited by your past mistakes or circumstances. It’s a perspective that embraces opportunities, learns from failures, and grows through challenges.

And how do you cultivate this mindset? One word; Gratitude.

Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging the positive aspects of your life, no matter how big or small.

By recognizing the good that already exists in your life, you generate a feeling of abundance.

Begin your day with a gratitude journal, listing things you’re thankful for. This act can shift your focus from lack to plenty, from scarcity to abundance.

To sum it up, an abundant life starts in your mind. Believe in abundance, feel grateful for what you already have, and watch your life transform.

Harnessing the Power of Personal Systems

When it comes to building a life of abundance, having the right mindset is not enough.

Yes, it’s the starting point, but there’s a need to follow through with action. And this is where personal systems come into play.

Systems, unlike goals, are about the processes that lead to results. If your goal is to lead a life of abundance, then your system is the set of routines, habits, and strategies you use to get there.

Simply put, a system is what transforms your abundant mindset into an abundant reality.

So, how do you design an effective personal system?

Here are some components to consider;

  1. Habit Formation: Build positive habits that align with your vision of abundant life. For example, if your vision involves good health, a habit could be daily exercise or mindful eating.
  2. Time Management: Use tools and strategies to make the most of your time. This might involve prioritizing tasks, delegating when possible, and cutting out unnecessary activities.
  3. Continuous Learning: Commit to expanding your knowledge and skills regularly. This can be done through reading, online courses, attending seminars, or mentorship.
  4. Financial Planning: Manage your resources wisely. This includes budgeting, saving, investing, and generating multiple income streams.
  5. Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being. This encompasses physical health, mental health, and emotional health.
  6. Relationship Building: Cultivate strong relationships with the people around you. Remember, abundance isn’t just material wealth; it’s also about rich relationships.
  7. Purposeful Living: Define your purpose and let it guide your actions. Living with purpose brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness that’s integral to an abundant life.

Sunsama — My Secret Weapon in Time Management

Now, let’s get practical. Of all the systems we’ve discussed, one that I’ve found particularly effective in my pursuit of abundance is time management.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but how we utilize them makes all the difference. And, to master this system, I have a secret weapon: Sunsama.

What is Sunsama? It’s a powerful time management and productivity tool that allows me to plan my day, manage tasks, and track my progress.

With Sunsama, I’m not just working harder, I’m working smarter.

Here’s how…

  • Prioritizing Tasks

Sunsama helps me prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.

This helps me focus on the tasks that align with my abundant life vision, rather than getting drowned in trivial activities.

It’s the embodiment of the Pareto Principle — 80% of the results come from 20% of the tasks.

  • Effective Planning

With Sunsama’s intuitive calendar, I can plan my day down to the minute. This planning helps me allocate time efficiently, ensuring every minute counts.

  • Eliminating Distractions

Sunsama’s ‘Focus Mode’ helps me eliminate distractions, encouraging deep work. This means I spend more time doing meaningful work that brings me closer to my abundance goal.

  • Task Tracking

Sunsama helps me track my progress, providing me with insights into my work patterns. This data enables me to adjust my strategies, improving productivity.

  • Integrations

Sunsama integrates seamlessly with other tools I use — email, Slack, Asana, Google Calendar, etc. This way, all my tasks are in one place, preventing me from wasting time switching between apps.

Utilizing Sunsama effectively has been a game-changer for me. It allows me to master my time, enabling me to focus on actions that cultivate abundance.

To sum up, building a life of abundance is not an overnight process.

It’s about cultivating the right mindset, implementing personal systems, and making the most of your time.

And remember, abundance is a journey, not a destination. So, relish the journey as you create your life of abundance.

Try free, absolutely free

*Disclaimer: Please note that I’m affiliated with Sunsama. I only recommend products & services I’ve personally used and stand behind. Thanks for your support.



Mind Talk

✨ I write about productivity + humans + writing.