Alfred Kinsey: The Prophet of Pedophilia and Modern Sex Education

How one “junk scientist” unleashed a plague of corruption and contagion on America and the world!

Nour Alhakk
Mind Talk


Alfred Kinsey. (Source: Wikipedia)

Be careful if you are a parent or planning to be one. Books like this one are for children aged 9 and above. Not only are they available in public and school libraries, but they are also part of the elementary school curriculum. Here is just one page (out of 56):

The screenshot was taken by the author (Source: It’s Perfectly Normal. Page 56)

When did that start? When was it decided that we need to start teaching kids about this stuff at such a young age? The answer is: Kinsey

“Children could, with the assistance of an experienced adult, enjoy a sexual activity from the moment they were born”. (Alfred Kinsey)

The Junk Science: babies are orgasmic

Alfred Kinsey was born on June 23, 1894. In the American culture at the time, parents didn’t talk to their kids about sex until puberty, and even then would not be explicit about it because they understood the power of human…



Nour Alhakk
Mind Talk

An avid writer with invaluable knowledge in religion, history, and politics.