Procrastination / Mindset

Creating a Bulletproof Mindset in a World Full of Distractions

The exact steps I took

Mind Talk
Published in
8 min readApr 22, 2024


Creating a Bulletproof Mindset in a World Full of Distractions. Zohvib
Illustration by a professional comic artist on Pixabay

Allen Saunders famously wrote,

“Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.”

My story begins in a world brimming with notifications and digital chaos, where I was losing myself, one ping at a time.

Mornings that should have been fresh starts became battles with my phone, a battleground of distractions.

I remember this one morning, particularly vividly. The sun was just peeping through the curtains, casting a warm glow across my room.

I had plans, big plans. Finish that report, start the new project, and maybe even squeeze in a jog.

But then, my phone lit up. A harmless glance, I thought. That glance turned into an hour lost in the endless scroll of social media.

This was my daily routine, a loop of distractions leading nowhere.

Working from home blurred the lines even further. The couch where I planned to read became my spot for endless YouTube sessions.

The desk where ideas were meant to flourish became a stage for multitasking gone wrong.

It dawned on me one evening, as I sat exhausted yet unfulfilled: I was stuck in a whirlwind of ‘doing’ but not ‘achieving.’

I was busy, yes, but what had I actually done?

That’s when the realization hit: being busy isn’t the same as being productive.

I decided it was time for a change. A change not just in what I did, but in how I thought.

I needed a mindset shift, a strategy to combat the enticing lure of digital distractions. I needed, as they say, to turn my mind into a fortress.

So, I started small. I set a rule: no phone till breakfast was done.

In my recent article, I shared how to get done that.

Sounds simple, right?

But, oh, the challenge! The first few days were tough.

My phone seemed to beckon me with the promise of something new, something urgent. But as days turned into weeks, something incredible happened.

I found peace in those phone-free mornings.

My thoughts were clearer, my focus sharper.

I remember the first day I completed my to-do list by noon. It felt like a victory, a personal triumph over the chaos of the digital world.

I had discovered the power of undivided attention, the joy of immersing myself fully in a task.

Phone-free mornings sound interesting. So let’s cover this.

Understand your mindset, first.

Norman Vincent Peale once advised,

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

This rings true in my quest to forge a bulletproof mindset.

Before I embarked on this journey, I had to confront a critical question:

What exactly was my mindset?

I realized that understanding my mindset was like staring into a mirror, revealing truths I often overlooked.

My mind, like yours, was a complex landscape of thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

It was shaped by years of experiences, victories, and setbacks. Recognizing this was like unlocking the first door to self-awareness.

I started to notice patterns in my thinking, the automatic responses to everyday challenges.

Did I see obstacles as insurmountable walls or stepping stones?

This question lingered in my thoughts. I realized that my mindset often wavered between resilience and resignation.

I needed to steer it towards consistent resilience.

There were days when my mind felt like a battlefield, torn between what I wanted to do and what I ended up doing.

The gap between intention and action was frustrating. It was a clear sign that my mindset needed recalibration.

I began to dissect my thoughts, peeling back layers of long-held beliefs.

Were they helping me or holding me back? This introspection wasn’t easy.

It required honesty, often brutal, about my fears, dreams, and excuses.

I discovered that my mindset was a blend of hope and hesitation. I believed in change, but fear often anchored me to the familiar.

This duality was my first real challenge. To build a bulletproof mindset, I had to embrace change wholeheartedly.

Remember, your mindset isn’t just a part of you; it’s the pilot steering your life’s journey.

If you’re feeling stuck or unproductive, take a moment. Reflect on your mindset. Is it fixed in its ways, or is it open to growth and learning?

My journey to understanding my mindset was filled with revelations.

I realized that the mind, once aware of its patterns, can be incredibly adaptive. Like a chameleon, it can adjust, evolve, and thrive in new environments.

But awareness alone isn’t enough. It’s the first step in a longer journey. A journey of continuously shaping and nurturing your mindset.

It’s about choosing growth over comfort, progress over stagnation.

So, as you read this, take a moment to ponder. What is your mindset telling you?

Listen closely, for it holds the keys to unlocking your potential.

Remember, the journey to a bulletproof mindset begins with understanding the landscape of your thoughts.

Only then can you navigate it effectively.

Be really honest with yourself

Confucius once stated,

“Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue.”

As I embarked on my journey to build a bulletproof mindset, I realized that the cornerstone of this quest was unflinching honesty with myself.

It’s a practice I urge you to embrace if you’re committed to personal growth.

Confronting your inner truth is not always pleasant. It’s like turning on a light in a room that’s been dark for too long.

I had to face uncomfortable truths about my procrastination, my fears, and the excuses I made to avoid hard work. Do you find yourself doing the same?

It’s easy to get caught up in self-deception.

We often tell ourselves that we’re doing our best, but deep down, we know when we’re just going through the motions.

I had to learn this the hard way. I would sit in front of my computer, believing I was working hard, but in reality, I was merely busy, not productive.

Being honest with yourself means breaking down these illusions. It’s about recognizing and admitting your limitations and weaknesses.

Why? Not to criticize yourself, but to set the stage for genuine growth and change.

Here are a few truths I had to confront:

  • Procrastination: Often, I was waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ to start, which, unsurprisingly, never came.
  • Fear of failure: This was a big one. I realized that the fear of failing was holding me back more than the failure itself.
  • Comfort zone: Staying within the bounds of what felt safe and familiar was easier, but it wasn’t helping me grow.

Once I faced these truths, something shifted inside me.

I began to approach tasks with a new mindset, one that embraced challenges instead of shying away from them.

This self-honesty led to a clarity that I had never experienced before.

It felt like navigating through fog and finally seeing the clear path ahead.

Here’s a list of bullet points that I found helpful in this process of self-honesty:

  • Acknowledge your weaknesses: Identify areas where you procrastinate or make excuses.
  • Confront your fears: Understand what scares you and why it holds you back.
  • Challenge your comfort zone: Recognize the comfort traps and push beyond them.
  • Accept your imperfections: Understand that it’s okay to be imperfect and that every mistake is a learning opportunity.
  • Set realistic goals: Create achievable objectives that challenge you but are within reach.
  • Seek feedback: Don’t shy away from constructive criticism; it’s invaluable for growth.
  • Reflect daily: Spend time each day reflecting on your thoughts, actions, and motivations.

By embracing these points, you can start peeling back the layers of self-deception and really begin to understand yourself.

This understanding is crucial for building a mindset that’s not just resilient, but impenetrable.

Remember, the journey to a stronger self starts with an honest look within.

Three steps to building a bulletproof mindset

As I ventured into the realm of self-improvement, a quote by Jim Rohn kept resonating in my mind,

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”

Realizing this, I identified three key steps to fortify my mindset against the relentless tide of distractions.

These steps, simple yet profound, can guide you too in your pursuit of mental resilience.

1. Get the required information only

In an era of information overload, discernment is key.

Not all information is created equal. The first step in building a bulletproof mindset is to be selective about the information you absorb.

This means tuning out the noise that doesn’t serve your goals or align with your values.

Focus on information that educates, inspires, and moves you forward.

Remember, your brain is real estate too valuable to be cluttered with trivialities.

2. Examine your current beliefs

Your beliefs are the bedrock of your mindset.

To fortify your mindset, you must first scrutinize and challenge these beliefs.

  • Are they based on truth or misconceptions?
  • Do they empower you or hold you back?
  • Etc. Etc. Etc.

This step isn’t about discarding all your beliefs but about refining and evolving them.

It’s about aligning your beliefs with your highest aspirations and the realities of the world around you.

3. Tools as coaches in this era

In today’s fast-paced digital era, the right tools are akin to a personal coach, guiding us through the labyrinth of tasks and distractions.

As I navigated my journey, I discovered the transformative power of one such tool; Sunsama.

A tool that has become an indispensable part of both my personal and professional life.

Running a full-fledged writing agency while also writing for my readers here, demands a high level of organization and focus.

That’s where Sunsama steps in, like a coach ready with a game plan.

It’s not just a tool; it’s a daily companion that helps me strategize my day, prioritize tasks, and stay on track.

Imagine having a personal assistant that not only organizes your tasks but also aligns them with your goals.

Sunsama does that for me. It breaks down my day into manageable segments, allowing me to focus on one task at a time.

This level of organization is crucial, especially when juggling multiple projects and deadlines.

But Sunsama isn’t just for the busy professional. In my personal life, it helps me carve out time for self-care, hobbies, and family.

It’s like having a coach who reminds you not just to work hard, but also to live well.

I recommend you give Sunsama a try. It’s not just about managing your time; it’s about maximizing it.

The beauty of Sunsama is that it’s intuitive and adaptable to different lifestyles and work habits.

And the best part? You can start using it for free.

In an era where time is our most precious commodity, having a tool like Sunsama can make a significant difference.

It’s like having a coach by your side, helping you navigate through your day with purpose and clarity.

Whether you’re running a business, managing a household, or pursuing personal goals, Sunsama can be your guide towards more efficient and effective time management.

Give it a try, and watch how it transforms your daily routine into a well-orchestrated symphony of productivity and balance.

Try Sunsama free, absolutely free


Creating a bulletproof mindset is not a one-time effort but a continuous process of learning, adapting, and growing.

It’s about understanding your current mental framework, being brutally honest with yourself, and taking deliberate steps to cultivate mental resilience.

In a world rife with distractions, a bulletproof mindset is your greatest ally, helping you navigate challenges with clarity and purpose.

Remember, the mind is a powerful tool — sharpen it, nurture it, and it will serve you well in every facet of life.


Disclaimer: Please note that I’m affiliated with Sunsama. I only recommend products & services I’ve personally used and stand behind. Thanks for your support :))*



Mind Talk

✨ I write about productivity + humans + writing.