Deep Thinker
Mind Talk
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2022


How Is AI Used In Video Redaction?

Artificial Intelligence ), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) have gained prominence in the technological sector in recent years.

Artificial intelligence (AI), a multidisciplinary subset of computer science, is concerned with building smart technology capable of completing and automating tasks that would otherwise need the use of human intellect.

This is especially true in video content and information recording, processing, and editing, where AI is applied in a variety of ways.

To put it another way, AI refers to all of the information and knowledge that you currently have, whereas machine learning refers to the ways you would use to obtain that knowledge, such as learning, perceiving, researching, or even making mistakes. AI is classified as either weak or powerful.

Weak AI refers to an artificial intelligence system that has been designed and trained for a certain task; it is also known as narrow AI.

Digital personal assistants, such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, are examples of weak artificial intelligence. On the other hand, Strong AI refers to artificial intelligence software that exhibits broad human cognitive skills, often known as artificial general intelligence.

When presented with an unexpected problem, a powerful AI system should be able to solve it without the need for human involvement.

Video Redaction and Artificial Intelligence

Video is essential in a wide range of sectors throughout the world. For example, in law enforcement, video evidence improves public safety by broadcasting live occurrences, aids in creating trustworthy digital evidence, and, in some situations, even helps improve police behavior.

Nonetheless, as law enforcement strives to comply with the Freedom of Information Act, video processing and its use as evidence continue to pose huge obstacles, particularly in storage, security, and individual anonymity (FOIA).

What happens when a 500-person police department's body camera and dashboard camera footage are collected throughout a shift? And when a single incident captured on one of those cameras is required in criminal prosecution.

How do state security agencies comply with subpoenas and evidence requirements in a timely and efficient manner while simultaneously satisfying FOIA duties and privacy restrictions?

The fundamental difficulty is that police agencies lack the time, personnel, and funds required to manually redact video recordings (obscure faces and license plates) in line with the law before release. It is time-consuming and expensive since it takes a team of staff several hours to sift through and review the recordings and manually edit segments of the video that may breach individuals' privacy.

More hours of video evidence must be reviewed and edited as body-worn, and dashboard cameras become more common. This is where AI can help because it can reduce labor expenses while still safeguarding citizens' privacy. AI-based video editing apps employ pattern comparison to recognize items inside a video clip. For example, redaction software is pre-programmed to distinguish persons based on their heads or license plate characters. Once a person is identified, the program operator may choose which aspects of the film should be hidden throughout.

After redacting a specific item or topic, the final result seems to be as if the thing was never photographed in the first place, with no associated identification.

The AI user may then evaluate the redacted video export to ensure that all necessary modifications were made completely and exactly. Unlike sophisticated systems requiring training hours, AI-powered video redaction software is accurate and precise, with automatic mode attaining up to 98 percent accuracy (before human review).

With these methods in place, software users can guarantee that sensitive information is deleted while fostering responsibility and creating confidence through the speed and efficiency of privacy-protected video to the public, individuals, or regulators.

Artificial intelligence - Wikipedia

video redaction software

