Photo by Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials

How to cope with Suicidal Thoughts?

If these symptoms appear in someone, They might not be suffering from depression they need your help.

Zainab Azhar
Mind Talk
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2021


Suicide, the act of taking your own life in extreme stress and helpless situations is the most brutal act in the world. These thoughts often appear in stressful and traumatic situations. Thousands of people around the globe are suffering from stress and depression. These mental disturbances are caused by absolute oppression by something bothering. The suicide rate has increased in the recent past. Most of the cases reported are often due to maze situations where someone struggles to find a way out. And most of the time they end up hanging from the roof, eating piles, or jumping from a multistorey building.

Their pain suppresses their thoughts and ability to judge right and wrong. Everything is pain and nothings relaxes them, the only solution to end their sorrow is death, an end to this miserable life. Anxiety is more harmful than poison, it slowly dissolves you into a helpless soul. Such disturbing situations end up in taking your own life, which is the only way out of this. They think as if;

Suicide is the Permanent Solution to their Temporary Problems.

If someone is struggling with such a problem, it is the responsibility of the closest person to hold them and support them to their feet. There are many symptoms that might appear in such a person.


The symptoms may include :

  1. More often talking about suicide such as “I don’t want to live more, I am helpless”, “ I want to kill myself”, “I am done with my life” e.t.c.
  2. Preoccupation with death and deadly thoughts such as violence.
  3. Causing small harm to yourself might provoke you for the bigger ones, such as try to eat more dozes of medicines, applying cuts on different body parts, and enjoy the pain as if it’s a relief.
  4. Withdrawing from society and contacts, you enjoy loneliness.
  5. Buying deadly weapons, sleeping pills, and poisonous things.


There are certain risk factors that provoke suicide and suicidal thoughts:

  1. End of a deep and beloved relationship with your loved one, continuously missing and feeling empty without the person.
  2. Attempting suicide more than once can give a person the courage to do till completion.
  3. Continuous availability of brutal accessories that can kill you easily.
  4. Post-traumatic disorder or mental upsetness might add fuel to the fire.
  5. Having a family history of mental sickness or disturbance.

Antidepressants are a warning, not a cure!

People suffering from depression are treated with an antidepressant to relax them. In most cases, young people under 25 that have oppressed minds start to react back when their dose is changed. These medicines start to act like a dose of drugs for them, just like a drug addict that relaxant becomes their body needs. They strive back to ask for them and often due to lack of supply they try to kill them seleves.

It must be kept in mind; good medical facility, an able psychiatrist, and a professional doctor can cope up with this situation very easily. Rehabilitation of such a person is very important so that, he starts to see things from a brighter perspective.


To every problem, there is a solution, in recent years with an increase in suicide rates professionals have found different techniques to cope with this nuisance. So these are some solutions:

  1. Treatment of mental health issues is the most important task in this concern. As a part of this society, you might feel reluctant to seek medical advice from a psychiatrist. But don’t feel embarrassed, it's a mental state that needs to be discussed to see the positivity of life.
  2. Strong emotional support plays a key role in coping up with this issue. Someone who knows you closely and whose words cause an impact on your heart and mind is a blessing in this regard. Try to build a strong bond with someone who understands you deeply. That would make your life a heaven on earth.


Life is given once, at the end of the day it’s your life, it’s your story. Whether you laugh or cry, you live or die. It’s your life. You should write your own story, you should build your own self. People come, people go. Pure people will stay forever, those who are not really won’t stay close for long. Those who go and turn back to you a hundred times are your loved ones. It’s your Life’s Book and you are the author, and you have the authority whether you end the story on a good note or bad.



Zainab Azhar
Mind Talk

Art lover ,Poet ,Writer , GIS Engineer ,surveyor ,mapper , Aeries, f.r.i.e.n.d.s , love to sing .