How to Recognize If You’re Truly Confident

Actions confident people never do

Mind Talk
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Photo by Dziana on pexels

Yes, confidence is something we all desire, isn’t it? It’s the feeling inside that says, “I can make this happen!” But sometimes, we may believe we have confidence when we actually do not. It’s a little bit difficult.

So, how do you know if you have confidence? What signs indicate that you are not merely pretending?

In this article, we will be exploring the actions that people who have confidence never do. By understanding these, you will have a clear picture if you are going in the right direction to real confidence or just deceiving yourself. Stay with me, and we will explore this together!

Confident people continue to learn

Truly confident people have an insatiable desire for learning and improvement. They understand that learning extends beyond formal education; it is a lifelong journey that enhances their perspectives and abilities. This strong dedication to learning represents the core of their real self-assurance.

These truly self-assured individuals understand that the world is constantly changing, and to remain relevant, they must adapt and expand their horizons. They approach every day with a mindset full of curiosity, seeking opportunities to acquire new skills, explore diverse viewpoints, and enhance their understanding of the world that surrounds them.

Truly confident people understand that they can’t make everyone happy

Chasing after the approval of everyone is like pouring out your self-belief. Truly self-assured individuals grasp the unattainability of pleasing everyone, and they put their values and thoughts first.

They understand that being faithful to who they are matters more than looking for outside confirmation. This doesn’t mean they ignore others’ perspectives; instead, they find a middle ground between respecting different opinions and staying firm in their beliefs.

Their confidence comes from their skill to choose in line with their real selves, regardless of whether it makes everyone around them content.

Confident people do not compare themselves to others

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel unsure of yourself. Truly self-assured individuals know that their path in life is like no one else’s. They don’t judge their value based on what others achieve or how far they’ve come.

Instead, they concentrate on their development, celebrating the accomplishments of others without feeling uneasy. This escape from the trap of comparisons helps them completely embrace who they are.

They understand that everyone follows a different journey, and trying to be someone else would only water down their specialness. By remaining faithful to their path, they exhibit a true self-assurance that is not tied down by comparing.

Truly confident people don’t judge anyone

Real confidence means not judging others. Confident people know that judging often comes from feeling unsure and having personal opinions. They pick understanding and kindness instead.

They know that everyone has their path.

This kind of way of looking at things makes their relationships better and shows how sure of themselves they are. Because they’re confident in who they are, they don’t need to put others down to feel good.

By loving differences and understanding different views, they show what real confidence is: being open without bias and making the world kinder.

Truly confident people don’t always need others to tell them they’re doing well

In a world where what others think matters a lot, truly confident individuals find their worth inside themselves. They don’t always look for compliments or approval from others to feel good about themselves.

Instead, they have a strong belief in how valuable they are, no matter what others might say.

This inner strength helps them stay steady even when people praise or criticize them. They don’t get easily influenced by what others think, because they already know their worth. This inner confidence helps them face life’s problems with a strong determination

Final thoughts

Recognizing true confidence isn’t always easy. It’s about learning, not seeking everyone’s approval, not comparing yourself, not judging others, and finding worth from within, not external validation. Real confidence stands strong in the face of praise or criticism, facing life’s challenges with unwavering strength.



Mind Talk

Just a simple Asian girl. I promise nothing but you will get what I've got