Diversified Games

I Didn’t Let My Outdoor Spirit Die

Even if it had to be a solo trip

Wicked Diya Saini
Mind Talk


I was never an indoor soul; while I attempted to possess a team spirit, the ones the ant parade on one grain of sugar all get hooked.

Either mode, things went directionless as I struggled to find my right hand over my left hand. Finally, I swore I would never take off my wedding ring, which reminds me of my left hand. Or I had more enemies than well-wishers. Or perhaps, perhaps I didn’t know other than studies games to require the use of the intellect.

Never mind, then I took on a solo trip weighing outdoor games where I didn’t desire anyone.

Qualify as a Tourist Guide

Something is better than zero. I went strong-willed to run the game of Tourist Guide. I raided a Tourist Spot that I acquainted with closed eyes too. I guided up a Spanish couple to score it challenging as I didn’t know Spanish, they didn’t comprehend English & My Google Translator was good to go with the real-time conversation. The app bluffs you carry on a back-and-forth conversation, even if you don’t speak the same jargon. I fastened out my face mask, which corona has gifted in abundance, glued my iPhone running with the app, which operated me a pro with the Spanish language.

The Spanish couple were fast with questions; I was cough, cough quick in answers with my translator. Taking photos of everything to tease everyone later showing off is not a good habit. At any rate, I abided over I didn’t fancy losing my job.

To my great surprise, everything fell into place more than my expectations. Saying goodbyes that are undecided goes either formally or informally. When your cheek sticks to the other cheek, the mouch rings in the air. I have a strong feeling we have plucked this from the animal kingdom.

That’s where the Spanish woman said, I smell fire. I felt something biting. No, it wasn’t my ego or my buttocks that snapped at the consumption of excessive peppers. It was my bloody mouth, which was on fire because of the overcooked heat of the running application, the sun rays and the unbearable+unbreathable+unbreakable mask.

I saluted and ran to someplace for running water. In a minute, my black money won became white where I went forced to buy water, ice, and beer. My half-burnt red face took days to nurse, which propagated from my mid nose slide to my chin. I resembled a red Indian face. Which was exactly like that, “Handicap Face.”

Hunting down a garage auction

At first, I decided to become a defective sanitation worker. Yes! You’re right. A racing brain is a workshop of worker-alcoholics. I played dodging by skipping over here & there, tracing garbage, practicing shot-put shots in my garage. Yeah, I did pick up rounds of Chinese whisper people have started lifting debris too. By mistake, I wonder what we had pitched will give the soul an open invitation on blackmailing us.

That was another open proposition that the folks made me think; merely I felt it was too illegal.

After possessing the loot, I felt rich, even if it was garbage. Owning anything free of cost passes for everybody that sentiment. Now was the dissection; somehow, I was mentally prepared, similar to my science class where I dissected a frog on viewing surprising inland scrap that went living inside them.

The garbage, which showed promising land with no dent, no yucky smell & no invasive names tattooed, went filtered to my garage sale. I picked up several bottles of wine with half, 3/4th and sometimes complete due to their disability on having a short life.

Even though it didn’t matter, I would mix it up and fix it by selling it as organic wine. People will purchase it as the word organic makes them emotional. The last ticket to my victory by placing a placard buy for a cause underprivileged people require your aid.

Yes, it was a reality that I fall into that category.

It was a success where I saw people buy each others garbage or perhaps their own. My heart smiled as I recycled the stuff. I felt for the first & last time working for my country’s well-being.

Imaginative with Sidewalks

I’ve seen people dirty the walls with corrupt art, make it stand out with charming art, or ingest it with their urine sample. Yes, India is a common sight playing with their hosepipes next to a wall. I swear I feel like propelling quarterbacks & lowering their trousers, interpolating a flaming bomb on their crack; therefore, next time, they think before standing beside any wall in their life.

I took up my solo trip thinking of progressing to the neighborhood, entertaining sidewalks and using the Internet as my exploration guide, which invents the breaking news every second. I unleash scribbling the latest news wherever I unearthed a patch.

Later in the evening, I make a point to wander over my creative artwork. Sometimes people have left their opinions on that breaking news by drawing finger signals or erotic messages or leaving fill in the blanks. Which I invariably look forward to filling up.

You can easily find me as a troubled tourist guide, in a dustbin, or scribbling on the pavements when I’m not writing.



Wicked Diya Saini
Mind Talk

A Wonder Woman steers The Wicked Humor Monopolize Publication