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Mindset Shifts for Success

How Mindset Contributes to Personal Growth and Achievement?

Muhammad Awais
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2023


Everybody wants to be successful. You hear the stories of different people getting success in their life. Do you notice what is the main commonality between these people?

The answer is Mindset!

In a world full of opportunities and difficulties, our attitude becomes the lens through which we view and navigate life’s complexities. Our thinking has a huge impact on our personal growth, accomplishment, and general well-being.

The importance of mindset alterations for success has been demonstrated time and again, from innovative research to inspiring real-life experiences. Individuals have revolutionized their life by adopting specific attitudes, accomplishing great accomplishments, and making major contributions to society.

Growth Mindset

A psychologist Carol Dweck popularized this mindset, which promotes the concept of how skills and intelligence can be acquired through effort, behavior, and learning.

People having a growth mentality see obstacles as chances for progress and setbacks on the road to success. They value constant learning, seek criticism, and remain persistent in the face of adversity.

Individuals who adopt this mindset are more likely to approach their objectives with curiosity, determination, and a willingness to move beyond their comfort zones.

At the start of my journey, I also see many obstacles and make excuses. Then I said to myself:

Am I going to live my entire life like this? Making excuses and seeing obstacles rather than a chance of progress.

This thought haunted me for a long time pushing me towards change. Then I gradually started to adopt a growth mindset because I was not satisfied with my life. From that point till now, I can say that I grow a lot.

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Abundance Mindset

After adopting a growth mindset, the next shift is the abundance mindset.

An abundant mindset is based on the concept that everyone has an abundance of resources, chances, and triumphs.

Individuals with this worldview are concerned with teamwork, cooperation, and the notion that there is enough for everyone. They practice thankfulness for what they have and recognize the accomplishments of others while avoiding evaluating themselves in ways that promote scarcity thinking.

Individuals may tap into their creativity, extend their possibilities, and develop a pleasant and supportive atmosphere for both themselves as well as those around them by adopting an abundant mindset.

The thing about this mindset is that we became humble and grateful for what we have while looking for new opportunities and possibilities for success.

You must be wondering, why we need gratitude and humbleness for achieving success. The same question came into my mind but then I see the successful people.

I notice that most people became lonely when they became successful. You will see many people around them but none of them are there for someone they love rather a successful person, who will benefit them.

The thing about humbleness and gratitude is that it connects you to people around you. They became your family till the end.

The best thing about humility is that it makes you a leader.

Photo by Brett Jordan

Resilience and Adaptability

The next shift after adopting an abundance mindset is resilience and adaptability.

To embrace resilience as well as flexibility in dealing with challenges and change, a mentality shift is required. Failures and setbacks are viewed as chances for learning and growth by resilient people.

They come back stronger, having gained new insights and techniques. Similarly, having an adaptable mindset entail being open to change, accepting ambiguity, and being willing to shift plans and approaches as needed.

People become better equipped to negotiate unforeseen events, overcome hurdles, and find alternate paths to achievement through fostering resilience and adaptability.

After adopting the growth mindset, the doors to multiple opportunities and challenges open. It was difficult for me as I was stuck in one mindset for a very long time. A sudden change in my mindset changed my routine and affected my habits.

Most people make mistakes in this stage, they give up when they see their life, changing. I was also very shocked, but I was firm on my ambitions.

My goals compelled me to change. That way, I became resilient and adaptable.

“Goals are the road maps that guide you to your destination. Cultivate the habit of setting clearly defined written goals; they are the road maps that guide you to your destination.” — Roy T. Bennett

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Embracing Failure and Learning

When walking on a journey, you face failure down the road making you hopeless.

Personal development requires us to change our attitude toward failure. Individuals with this perspective accept failure as a natural part of learning rather than fearing it.

Failures, they understand, bring essential knowledge and understanding that can lead to growth and creativity. This mentality shift entails viewing failure as a stepping stone to achievement, adopting a growth mindset when confronted with setbacks, and looking for opportunities to gain knowledge and grow from every experience.

What I learned from failure is:

Failure is nothing but a boost toward success if we overcome it.

Last Words

My advice to you is to make your definition of success.

For me, success is where I am consistently growing along with the people around me, and where I am learning new things, perspectives, and skills.

Thank you for reading!

If you find this writing helpful or have any questions, let me know in the comments.



Muhammad Awais
Mind Talk

Passionate Writer | Seeker of Truth | Storyteller