One Simple Way to Feel More Calm in Your Everyday

Savanna Symons
Mind Talk
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2023

We are a stimulation-obsessed culture.

We’re pretty brutal at being bored and we’re use to constantly being entertained and stimulated.

The other night, after a full and busy day of work, I put my baby down to sleep and then: edited content for a charity I volunteer with, made a double batch of muffins, listened to a podcast, sewed a shirt that needed fixing, responded to a phone full of unread text messages, and watched TV…only to land in bed — unsurprisingly — with a body that was buzzing from a day of constant stimulation without respite.

Only as I laid there, body uncomfortably buzzing with anxious vibrations, did I realize how I had unwittingly done this to myself (again).

We are not meant to be on all the time. We are not meant to be focusing, entertained or stimulated constantly and without end.

It messes with our nervous systems, our ability to relax, our capacity to play, and our creativity levels, among countless other things.

And yet, so many of us are stimulated (read: busy) up to our eyeballs and wondering why we feel so overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, or miserable.

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself — especially if you’re feeling these ways — is make a regular practice to disconnect from it all, and just sit.

Maybe under the stars. Or maybe just under your bedroom ceiling.

No entertainment. No stimulation.

Just time to be.

To breathe, slow down, and let your mind and nervous system finally have a break from all the focused thinking, doing, and consuming.

It’ll be uncomfortable at first. (Remember how I said we’re bad at being bored?)

But with committed practice, you will feel so much better.

And here’s what else space and time to recharge, reset and not be stimulated can do for you:

  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Decrease overwhelm
  • Decrease worrying and overthinking
  • Improve resiliency (even in difficult situations!)
  • Increase creativity
  • Increase your capacity to be present in your life
  • Provide regulation and calmness (the place where greater self-confidence lies!)

Honestly, the list goes far beyond this. But most importantly, you deserve time to slow down. In a world that is telling us to go-go-go and be as hyper-productive as humanly possible, you deserve — and require — regular time to just be.

It’s a way that can support you in feeling so much better, and it’s available to you right now.

Savanna Symons
Life & Confidence Coach

PS. Would you like to learn more about how you can feel more confident and excel in your work or business? You’re welcome to receive my weekly emails full of tools, stories and applicable tips to feel more confident in yourself, your work, or your business (click here), or follow me on Instagram (@confidencewithsavanna)…say hi!



Savanna Symons
Mind Talk

Life & Confidence Coach | Grow your confidence in self, career, and business. I can help. | IG: @confidencewithsavanna |