Product Led Growth vs. Sales Led Growth

What should your startup prefer and why…

Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk


Product Led Growth vs. Sales Led Growth — What should you prefer and why
Photo by Cova Software on Unsplash

Are you a startup founder and wondering how to scale your company?

The goal of any business is to grow and succeed. This can be achieved in a number of ways, but the most common ways are either by increasing sales or improving your product/service offerings.

Both methods will lead to more customers, but there are significant differences between them that can affect how you should approach each one. Let’s look at these two types of growth strategies so that you can decide which is right for you and your company’s needs.

What is Product Led Growth (PLG)?

PLG is the process of building products that solve problems for your customers. This is a long-term approach to growth, which requires you to focus on the customer and their needs.

This means that if you are using product led growth as part of your strategy, then it’s important to understand what problem(s) you are solving through your product or service offerings. You need an understanding of why customers buy into them in order for this method to be successful for you.

PLG is the best way to grow your business. It’s a strategy that focuses on building products that will help you achieve…



Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk

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