Self-care Breeds Confidence, Here’s How

Savanna Symons
Mind Talk
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2023

Self-care is a buzz word that’s tossed around a lot now, and we tend to look at it sometimes as a ‘must’ but mainly as a ‘nice to have’. Half of us still think it means more bubble baths and shopping sprees.

I want to offer you a different perspective about self-care, and how it directly impacts the way you feel about yourself.

When we feel good — mind, body and soul — we’re better able to think and feel good about ourselves.

When we feel good — that is, regulated, calm, steady, grounded — it’s easier to access more creativity and more confidence, and be open to more possibility for ourselves and what we’re capable of. When we feel exhausted, stressed, nervous, scared or depleted, those things become harder to access.

When we feel good, we take action. We get out there. We move. Those things become harder when we feel crappy and low.

But here’s the thing: Actual self-care is what a lot of us aren’t doing.

We can plop on the couch, bag of chips in hand, and binge-watch the same TV series we’ve already seen and call that self-care.

Or plug “go for a walk” in to our calendar and then routinely check it off our To Do list, and call that self-care.

Or turn off our computer to not check our work emails or business’ socials — but be thinking about work the whole time — and call that self-care.

(I have done all of these things…)

But none of that is true self-care. Not really. Because legitimate self-care has a very specific energy to it. You will know real self-care, because you will feel it. It will feel like actual rest. Or play. Or ease. It will (at the very least, temporarily) lift you out of an exacerbated state and in to one that is more grounded.

Do you feel it when you practice self-care? Do you practice self-care at all?

If not, this is a great time to chime in and say: it isn’t a luxury. Self-care is a confidence-creator, a business-accelerator, a creativity-driver, a productivity-stimulator, a happiness-producer, and a human need.

You deserve great self-care. From you.

And you’ll be surprised at how life changes for you when you feel better.

Savanna Symons
Life & Confidence Coach

PS. Would you like to learn more from me? You’re welcome to follow me on Instagram (@confidencewithsavanna) or receive my weekly emails full of tools, stories and applicable tips to feel more confident in yourself, your work, or your business (click here). Say hi!

PPS. Some of my own personal self-care practices include:

- Walks in the woods
- Sitting in darkness & silence and letting my mind wander
- Dancing by myself (and not trying to be cool about it)
- Snuggling with my dog and partner in our bed
- Meditating in the sun
- HIIT workouts with good music
- Journaling out my feelings

Take what feels good to you.



Savanna Symons
Mind Talk

Life & Confidence Coach | Grow your confidence in self, career, and business. I can help. | IG: @confidencewithsavanna |