Surprising Advice from a Superstar About Acting Under Pressure

Savanna Symons
Mind Talk
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2023

One of my clients told me they learned a surprisingly helpful idea from a famous former professional athlete about how to act under pressure. It came from none other than Tom Brady — you know, former football quarterback and NFL legend?

Brady had a very particular mindset when it came to handling the pressure of big moments — moments like playing in the Super Bowl, where millions of people were watching him and expecting him to perform.

He went in to each football game — especially the very significant ones, like the Super Bowl — with the belief that “there will be another one.”

Not “This is it.”
Not “I have to win this.”
Not “This is everything.”

Instead, he reminded himself: There will be another one.

In doing so, he wasn’t not bogged down by what would feel like an overwhelming amount of pressure, so he was able to think clearly and play his best game. And perhaps not so coincidentally, there was another one, and another, and another…

There’s something important we can take from Brady’s belief, even if we’re not professional football players. We don’t realize how much pressure we create through the way we talk to ourselves. We also don’t realize how hard it is to show up in our roles — at work, in business, as parents, as leaders, and beyond — when we’re living under that pressure of getting it right, right now. And we forget how so often we create that pressure for ourselves.

Believing there will be another one is an example of how we can ease pressure, remind ourselves that there’s more than enough opportunity (even when we can’t yet see it), and more — of whatever we most want — is on the way. When we can believe that, it becomes so much easier to relax, think clearly, and play our best game.

So here’s your reminder: There will be another one.

Another job. Another promotion. Another client. Another offer. Another opportunity.

What if you believed this when an opportunity you really want presents itself?

What kind of pressure would it release you from?

It’s a belief available to you, if you want it.

Savanna Symons
Life & Confidence Coach

PS. Would you like to learn more from me? You’re welcome to follow me on Instagram (@confidencewithsavanna) or receive my weekly emails full of tools, stories and applicable tips to feel more confident in yourself, your work, or your business (click here). Say hi!



Savanna Symons
Mind Talk

Life & Confidence Coach | Grow your confidence in self, career, and business. I can help. | IG: @confidencewithsavanna |