The Art of Laughing at Yourself: Why Taking Life Too Seriously is Seriously Overrated

have a good laugh at yourself…

Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk


The Art of Laughing at Yourself: Why Taking Life Too Seriously is Seriously Overrated
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

In the grand theatre of life, where each of us plays multiple roles — from the diligent professional to the awkward dancer at the wedding reception — it’s easy to forget the importance of not taking ourselves too seriously.

Yes, life has its moments of drama and tension, but it’s the ability to laugh at oneself that truly makes the script enjoyable. Let’s dive into the light-hearted art of self-deprecation, a skill as valuable as any degree or accolade.

The Unplanned Comedy of Errors

Imagine, if you will, walking confidently into a room, your strides full of purpose and determination, only to realize it’s not the meeting room but the broom closet. Or, picture yourself strutting down the street, headphones in, feeling like the main character in a movie, only to trip over your own feet. These are the moments life generously hands us to remind us not to take the script too seriously.

The Superpower of Self-Amusement

Laughing at oneself is essentially a superpower in today’s world.

It’s the antidote to embarrassment, a shield against the slings and arrows of…



Rajeev Mudumba
Mind Talk

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