The Power Of Frequency

Transforming Your Reality with Ancient Knowledge

Mind Talk
4 min readJun 14, 2024


Image by Nemento Corporation

Understanding The Flower Of Life and Frequency

The idea that everything is frequency is an old idea. Terrence Howard took a chance to share with the world this ancient secret. A symbol called the Flower of Life, that was found in the Temple of Osiris in Egypt among other ancient sites, like the Forbidden Temples in China, means everything. This is a 6,000 year old symbol that some believe held the secrets to understanding and controlling the Universe.

The Flower of Life is not only an ancient symbol but also an explanation of how DNA interacts with frequencies. According to Howard, each part of our DNA is set up with a certain frequency. When we hear some music, our DNA starts to tighten and resonates with that frequency. This link to music and DNA is not just a metaphor, it is happening inside our bodies. This happens because the elements in your body — Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Oxygen — are responding to the music being played.

Music and DNA: The Harmonic Connection

The idea that our bodies are responding to frequencies in ways that are not just electrical, is important. For example, Hydrogen resonates at E, which emits a yellow colour. This detail is not just words, we have likely all felt that experience. You know when you hear a song from your past and get a rush of memories? It is not just memories, your DNA is actually responding to a frequency that awakens your body and starts the chemical cascade of memories and emotions.

A big milestone in music history is when the standard tuning pitch was shifted from 432 Hz to 440 Hz. The 432 Hz frequency is more in line with the universe and the natural resonances of the body, while the 440 Hz is believed to be creating disharmony and anxiety. The change in standard tuning raises questions about why the standard of music was changed, and what they had to gain from it, even if it had a negative reaction on our well-being.

The Importance of Frequency in Everyday Life

Understanding that everything in our universe, including ourselves, is essentially energy is fundamental. Quantum physics suggests that our entire existence — approximately 99.999% — is energy; and whatever we focus on, frequencies, and sounds can have a huge impact on how we feel and what sort of psychological state we operate in. Positive frequencies can make us feel lighter in vibrations; and negative frequencies can lead to feelings of dissonance and anxiety.

This is because everything in life has a frequency, understanding this concept can be applied beyond just music to our entire environment, including the people that we interact with. The frequencies of others can impact our emotional states and overall well-being — so paying attention to these aspects of our environment can be very important in maintaining a balanced and positive state of mind.

Transitioning to Flow State with Frequency

How we are in terms of our frequency can also have implications for how much we are able to get into a flow state, or a state where we are performing optimally. A flow state is a state of deep immersion and high performance that is often reported to be experienced by athletes — or individuals who are intensely focused on a task. It’s said that when individuals are totally relaxed, and when our brain waves fall into the alpha or theta range, we are more susceptible to getting into this flow state.

To get into these optimal frequencies, you can meditate — which can help you get into a flow state by calming your mind and aligning your brain waves to these frequencies. This is why trained practitioners who do this kind of work, like professional monks, and individuals who regularly meditate, can often perform tasks with a fair amount of ease, efficiency, and clarity.

Shifting Your Identity Depending on the Frequency

To manifest your dreams, and have them physically manifest in your life, you need to shift your identity to the frequency of your desired circumstance. This is about creating shifts in your belief systems, and your sense of self to align with and to the frequency of success, and the feeling of success. And by continually focusing on positive affirmations, and visualisations, you can tune your brain and body to this frequency, activating it consistently.

This is a process that requires a great deal of consistency and discipline. Repeatedly reminding yourself about your goals and who you desire to be can help anchor this new frequency. This can eventually significantly alter your reality and help you to achieve your dreams and grow your business.

The Practical Steps to Utilizing Frequency

  • Identify your Desired Identity: Write down who you want to be and the goals you want to accomplish. This level of clarity provides guidance.
  • Consistent Affirmations: Schedule reminders to read your affirmations daily to help keep your mind focused on the positive frequencies.
  • Positive Frequencies: Pay attention to the people and environments you are engaging with and ensure they are resonating on a positive frequency level.
  • Meditation and Relaxation: Regularly practicing meditation will help align your brain waves so you can resonate with the optimal level of frequencies for performance and clarity.


Through the conscious manipulation of your internal and external frequencies, you can alter your reality, reach your goals, and live the life that you want. Remember, you are the creator of your reality and by tapping into the power of frequency you can shape your destiny.

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Mind Talk

Content Creator & Entrepreneur | CEO of NXT LVL Studios & Ace Digital | Co-founder of Raze AI & CreatorKits