The True First Step Of Manifesting

Taking away to add

Lora Coleman
Mind Talk
3 min read3 days ago


A tangled image of a person
Photo by Resource Database on Unsplash

Playing Universe Roulette

A lot of us get in the trap of adding all the tried and true tips to improve our lives. Yet, we cannot stay on the road to our best life by simply running into all the caution signs along the way. Why do some see results while others follow the same path in vain? Your answer: the subconscious.

You can write anything or say anything a thousand times, but if you did not work towards truly believing it could happen to you by first removing limiting beliefs, you’ve just invested in failure. As I say, going through life without a mindset is playing roulette with the universe-with the odds stacked against you, while a cheat sheet was right there.

The Polluted River

Imagine a beautiful river that has been tainted by pollutant that kills the fish and plant life in the river. So, the maintenance team comes out, scoops out all the dead fish, and puts in a new school of fish and plants. However, they only looked at the surface. The fish and plants will continue to die (or at least not thrive) because they never looked at the root problem: the pollutant!

You have to scoop out the pollutant, your limiting beliefs.

Letter Tiles that spell out “Start Now”
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Alleviate Your Symptoms

To manifest or achieve your best life, you must have a good relationship with the things you desire. The only way to do that is to remove your limiting beliefs about the desires that align with your goals. This can sometimes mean digging deep to see where these limiting belief programs originated from.

Once again, they are all programs!

The subconscious makes up 90- 95% of brain activity that controls your behavior. That means that using just the conscious mind is only using 5% of your potential. If you had a physical disorder and the doctors told you that by taking a new course of activity, you could alleviate your symptoms by up to 90–95% …wouldn’t you do it?

Words to Win With

You can start with two transformative words: how and what. Change statements like “I wouldn’t be able to do that” or “that wouldn’t work for me” by adding in these two words. “How can I make that work for me?” “What steps do I need to start taking to move that direction.”

Think about it:
Talking to someone who still has significant limiting beliefs is like trying to help someone who speaks another language. We could be giving the person the best directions to get to their destination, but it wouldn’t be processed in the brain because the barrier is too large!

The subconscious only hears key words. If you are saying “don’t”, it will believe you. You must change your words to align with your desires. When a coach is trying to guide his/her team, the coach does not say “Do not go left, whatever you do do not go left!” It’s a lot more powerful to say what you do want someone or something to do.

When it comes to limiting beliefs, take more than you give!

