This Multimillionaire’s Secret Sauce(s) Guarantees Tons of Followers

When should you start? Yesterday.

James Presbitero Jr.
Mind Talk
3 min readOct 19, 2023


Photo by El gringo photo from Pexels

Daniel Priestley is a serial entrepreneur who’s built multi-million dollar businesses in several countries, published four best-selling books, and spoken at more international events than I could ever hope to list.

And he has amazing things to say about gaining followers.

In his book “Oversubscribed,” Priestley outlines the roadmap to becoming so popular that demand for you far outstrips the supply; a condition he terms being oversubscribed (hence the title).

The book is jam-packed with value, but I’m going to share three key things that he mentions about building an audience:

  • Find your mission.
  • Follow the 7/11/4 rule.
  • Be a key person of influence.

Let’s discuss this one by one.

1. Find your mission.

Greatness attracts greatness.

If you want to have an overflowing number of followers, you better have an equally great goal to lead them towards. Find that goal, and once you find it, carve your space.

You don’t need everyone to be on board — only those who believe in your mission. Be prepared to defend this mission and have strong opinions.

2. Follow the 7/11/4 rule.

Gain tons of followers by simulating friendship.

Central to his strategy for being oversubscribed is this rule, which hacks human consciousness into “liking” you, as a person (and by extension, your mission and anything else you stand for).

  • 7 hours. According to research, it takes at least 7 hours of interaction for individuals to transition from being strangers to becoming friends. Thus, you need to have 7 hours worth of content.
  • 11 touchpoints. On average, 11 touchpoints are required for someone to make a purchase from your business. So, appear in as many settings as possible.
  • 4 locations. Individuals need to interact with you in at least 4 different locations to form a bond. So don’t just appear, but engage in as many platforms as you can.

7 hours of content, 11 touchpoints, and 4 locations. Once you achieve those benchmarks, you’re well on your way to being oversubscribed.

How far along are you?

3. Be a Key Person of Influence.

Don’t be the business, but be the person that draws the business.

The most common analogy Priestley makes:

Think of the Eiffel Tower — it’s not profitable in and of itself, but it draws people from around the world, and those people spend money on restaurants, cafes, and hotels all around it. You are the Eiffel Tower.

Being the business is inefficient.

Instead, a KPI does the work of bringing attention to the business by spreading its mission and advocating for it.

Attention is the gold of today. The KPI is the gold digger.

You can do this by talking about your mission in as many settings as you can, in as much volume as you can, and delivering value as you go. Once you do this, attention will follow.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, this multi-millionaires secret sauces are:

  • Find something great to work towards
  • Talk about it extensively in different places online, and
  • Become an influential person in your industry.

Not something to be taken lightly — but if you do it right, Priestley guarantees that you can have literally too many followers to handle. What do you think?

This is a summary of some of the concepts discussed in the book Oversubscribed: How to Get People Lining Up To Do Business With You by Daniel Priestley. A highly recommended read.

