What Is Google Disavow File And How To Create One

Deep Thinker
Mind Talk
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2022

When you own a website, it's important to be aware of your online reputation. One way to do this is by monitoring any incoming links that might point to your website from other sources. A disavow file is a tool used for protecting a website's reputation by helping webmasters filter out undesirable backlinks that are linked to their websites.

A disavow file is a text document which helps you to remove the links that you have used for backlinking from another domain to your website. Using a disavow file you can let search engines like google know that you want to remove some bad backlinks from your backlinks profile. because google uses these links to determine where your site ranks. Good backlinks can help rank a site high but bad backlinks can cause complications

The disavow file is a list of domains and URLs, typically provided in the form of a .txt file, which Google and other search engines use as a signal for ignoring specific backlinks during indexing. This can be an effective way to ensure that malicious or spammy sites don’t link back to yours.

Creating a disavow file is easy and simple:
1. Start by generating a list of all the websites linking back to yours through a link audit.

2. After identifying all the sites that you want to avoid associating with your own website, add them into your disavow file one domain at a time, in the following format: “domain: [domain name]”. You can also specify specific URLs by entering “url:[url]” into the document instead of using domains.
3. Once you have completed creating your list, save the file as "[LINK] and submit it through Google Search Console so it can be reviewed by Google for processing and action.
4. Once you have submitted your request, monitor any changes over time, as new links may appear from other sources that should be included in the file.

Creating and submitting a disavow file is an important part of any online reputation management strategy; it allows webmasters to easily block potentially harmful sites from associating with their own website and improving their rankings in search results pages (SERPs). With its help, businesses can protect their online presence and build credibility with potential customers, helping to improve overall engagement rates on their websites in the long run.

From time to time Google web algorithm evaluates millions of backlinks and pages and decides where they rank (search engine result pages). Backlinking is a prominent way to rank your site but if your backlinks are bad or of some poor site it can affect the rankings




