Why Did I Just Create a Messed Up Version of That Overused Unsplash Image?

Because why not? Doing the same thing as everyone else is boring!

Edward John
Mind Talk


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash. Messed up in Photoshop by me.

What the hell am I doing? Exactly! That’s the whole point!

As I said in my About Me article, I like to understand what other people are doing and then do something different. But the important thing is to get that understanding first and to knowingly buck the trend a bit. Don’t just do the wrong thing accidentally with no insight into what you’re doing wrong.

The image above is this one on Unsplash. I’ve seen it used multiple times, and I’ve seen other people complain about its overuse.

So, I decided to use that same image but mess with it in Photoshop. I changed the hue and saturation, turned it upside-down, then turned his head back up the right way and moved it to the side, leaving an empty black void where his head used to be.

It could be viewed as a form of modern surrealist art. Why not?

There’s no meaningful message in it, though. I was just messing about.

But there is a deeper point to be made here…

When somebody creates something, that doesn’t mean it has to be the final version.



Edward John
Mind Talk

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom