Why People Should Care about the Local Government from an Environmental Lens

Natalie Ziemba
Mind Talk
Published in
5 min readDec 8, 2022
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

There is a long list of reasons why people, in general, should be involved in local government. Being involved is one of the best things we can do to help our environment. Policies and decisions are constantly being made with or without us. Being a part of that process is a real way we can make a change. North Carolina is no exception to this idea, here are some reasons why;

Environmental Racism

Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash

North Carolina is the home of the Environmental Justice Movement, and there are many reasons for that. Environmental Racism is defined as the “disproportionate burden of environmental hazards placed on people of color”. This can look like a lot of different things such as the placement of factories, landfills, and Confined Animal Feeding Operations. These are all facilities that emit different harmful chemicals into the air. Communities with high populations of minorities have been forced to be more likely to be exposed to environmental hazards because it has been easier for companies and other outside factors to do so. These communities have fewer resources to fight back. These companies know this and take advantage of this for financial gain, which has happened to people of color throughout history. Many counties in North Carolina have been selected for the placement of CAFOs and other environmental hazards based on the demographics of the people that live there. There is a lack of proper policy to protect these individuals.

Confined Animal Feeding Operations

Photo by Jo-Anne McArthur on Unsplash

With the industrialization of America came the industrialization of animal farms. Farm animals are now housed in factory farm set-ups across America. These factory farms are called CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations). CAFOs are farms that house large amounts of animals in small spaces. The animals are kept in such tight spaces that many times they are unable to turn around. Factory Farms sound like an ethical issue, but these are also environmental issues. The environmental issues that come from factory farms are because of these animals’ large amounts of waste and what the farms do with it. Most farm animals make a large amount of waste, and these farmers do not know what to do with all of it. There are different chemicals that come from animal waste and depending on what the farmers are feeding/injecting these animals there can also be hormones or antibiotics.

Protecting our Coast

Photo by Aperture Vintage on Unsplash

Beaches all around the world are eroding, sometimes this is caused by natural processes like barrier islands and sometimes caused by environmental issues. People everywhere are coming up with different solutions to try to protect our beaches as much as we can. Protecting our beaches is important because they house unique ecosystem functions and hold economic value for the surrounding community

Communities are trying to decide what type of beach protection should be used. During this process, it is important for coastal communities to know the different kinds of beach protection. The different types of beach protection are beach renourishment, seawalls, Jetties, Groins, etc... There are different pros and cons for each solution based on cost, efficiency, how it looks on our beaches, and how it affects different wildlife. The debate on how to protect our beaches is centered around as issue of cost and how it affects wildlife like many other environmental issues.

When we make decisions with our community on the best way to protect our beaches it is important to stay educated and consider all of your options.

Disproportionate Distribution of Food

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

The disproportionate Distribution of Food can create food deserts. Food Deserts are defined as” geo­graph­ic areas where res­i­dents have few to no con­ve­nient options for secur­ing afford­able and healthy foods — espe­cial­ly fresh fruits and veg­eta­bles” by acef. The reason why a food desert is hurtful to the surrounding communities is that everybody deserves to have access to healthy and nutritious food. Without proper nutrition, people can get lifelong health conditions. Food Deserts are commonly found in areas with high poverty and/or low population density. With our changing environment, it has become harder for farmers, especially small farmers that would keep the food cost down. The Environmental Resilience Institute mentions that the land changes caused by climate change have made food deserts spread faster.

How can getting Involved Help

Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash

There is a lack of policy to protect North Carolina’s Ecosystem because it does not hold intrinsic value. If we want real change then we have to put pressure on the state representatives to protect our planet and elect individuals who know the earth holds more than intrinsic value. All of the previously stated environmental issues can not be solved by a change in personal behavior. These solutions have to be found in a change of policy, law, and better enforcement of laws. Being involved in local government can look like attending forums/meetings, having a proper understanding of political candidates, and staying educated on policies that are currently being voted on. This is a way we can encourage change.

