Why You Can’t Achieve Anything

It’s because of the people you surround yourself with

Randomly Useful
Mind Talk
4 min readMar 16, 2024


Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

There’s a popular quote that says, ‘Birds of the same feather flock together’. When you look at your friends, when you look at the circle around, you can’t just hate on them because they’re merely they are merely a reflection of you, you chose them. They didn’t just fall on your lap and you’re unable to hangout with them or you’re unable to separate yourself from them. You are intentionally selecting the people that you want to spend time with. Now the people that you spend time with are often very similar to you or if not they have a massive impact on who you are.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

So if you went a better job, if you want to become an entrepreneur, if you want to make more money, why wouldn’t you surround yourself with individuals that have the same desire, that have the same tendency. If you’re hanging out with losers, if you’re hanging out with druggies, if you’re hanging out with people that are pessimistic, what do you think is gonna happen to you inevitably that’s gonna rub off.

If you’re hanging out with successful people, people that have the desire to make money, to get fit, to level up eventually that will also rub off because the influence of many impacts everybody not just you but it also impact me so I’m intentional about who I surround myself with. So if you want to level up you need to not only level up your circle but also yourself why because losers hang out with losers a d win ers hangout with winners. So if you’re gonna hangout with a circle of winners, you need to level up and provide value or be perceives as a person of value. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be an equal but it necessarily means that you have to be in a situation where people appreciate your presence. You always want to be the person that’s invited in the room that means you have to be respected, you have to be well educated, you can’t look like an absolute loser and a scrub. And you have to be able to provide value in some way shape or form.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Now often times the successful people that make a lot of money wouldn’t want to make more money, they want to learn how to become healthier so maybe provide value in that aspect. Maybe they want to integrate into a new niche or they want new connection, so maybe you can provide value in that aspect.

If you’re like ‘I don’t have a value to provide’ then figure out how you can learn those skills sets that makes you more valuable and then inevitably these people will begin to be attracted to you.

The people that are dragging you down, you need to be able to cut them off, why, why would you gave them around, they’re leeches they’re sucking out the energy from you, they’re draining you, every single day with their mindset, with their perspectives, with their limitations and inevitably you’ll begin to belive that too.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Now I prefer to have the delusion of abundance rather than the delusion of scarcity. So I surround myself with people of the like mind and once I surround myself with them I want to make sure that they want to keep me around. And that means I need to provide value by understanding them. If i cannot provide value I will go back work on myself refine myself to be in a situation where I can provide value.

And if you want to level up in your business and personal life then you have to level up your circle because you only as good as the people that you surround yourself with.



Randomly Useful
Mind Talk

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