Yearning for Leisure, Yet Denied its Pleasures: The Absurdity of Life

Anum Najeeb
Mind Talk
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2023
Photo by Ahmed Nishaath on Unsplash

In today’s fast-paced world, leisure holds a significant place as an escape from the daily grind. However, many people find themselves caught in a paradox — they yearn for leisure but struggle to truly enjoy it. This article explores the absurdity of life in relation to the pursuit of leisure and the underlying factors that hinder our ability to fully embrace and savor these moments.

“Life’s absurdity lies in the irony of longing for leisure, yet seldom fully embracing its joys. It is in breaking free from societal pressures and immersing ourselves in the present moment that we find true liberation and the richness of living.”

The Elusive Nature of Leisure

Society’s obsession with productivity and busyness often devalues leisure time. The constant pressure to be busy leaves little room for relaxation. Additionally, technology blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, making it difficult to disconnect and truly engage in leisure activities.

The Paradox of Longing for Leisure

While leisure is essential for happiness, many individuals find it challenging to fully enjoy leisure moments. This may stem from the guilt and anxiety associated with taking time off from productive tasks. The fear of wasting time or missing out on opportunities often taints the experience.

The Burden of Choice

The abundance of leisure options can overwhelm individuals, leading to decision paralysis. The fear of making the wrong choice or missing out on other activities hinders the ability to fully immerse oneself in leisure. The constant need to seek the “best” leisure activities adds to the burden.

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The Illusion of Productivity

Society places a high value on productivity, often at the expense of leisure. The focus on constant achievement and the glorification of busyness can make leisure activities seem unproductive or even wasteful. Finding a balance between productivity and leisure becomes crucial for a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

The Absurdity of Life and Leisure

Existentialist philosophies shed light on the absurdity of life and the pursuit of leisure. Life is inherently unpredictable and often lacks inherent meaning. Embracing leisure becomes an act of rebellion against the absurdity, allowing individuals to find joy and purpose within the uncertainties.

The Importance of Mindfulness and Presence

To truly enjoy leisure, it is essential to be fully present in the moment. Mindfulness enables individuals to immerse themselves in leisure activities, fully appreciating the sensory experiences and the joy they bring. Being present also helps in breaking free from distractions and external pressures.

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“In the pursuit of meaning amidst life’s absurdity, leisure becomes the canvas on which we paint our own happiness, liberating ourselves from the constraints of busyness and finding solace in the simple act of being.”

Breaking Free from Societal Expectations

Overcoming societal pressures and expectations is crucial for embracing leisure without guilt or judgment. It requires recognizing that leisure is a fundamental aspect of a well-balanced life and valuing personal well-being over external validation. Embracing leisure becomes an act of self-care and self-empowerment.

Embracing Leisure for Self-Discovery

Leisure activities provide opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth. Exploring interests, hobbies, and passions during leisure time can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself. Engaging in leisure becomes a tool for self-reflection, fostering creativity, and expanding horizons.

The Connection Between Leisure and Creativity

Leisure fuels creativity and innovation. It allows the mind to wander, leading to new perspectives and ideas. Engaging in leisure activities that inspire and challenge stimulates the creative process. Leisure becomes a wellspring of inspiration and a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

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“Within the absurdity of life, leisure becomes our refuge, a sanctuary where we can escape the relentless demands and rediscover the lost art of simply enjoying the present moment.”

The Power of Rest and Relaxation

Leisure time provides much-needed rest and relaxation for the mind and body. Taking breaks from work and responsibilities rejuvenates energy levels, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Prioritizing self-care and incorporating leisure into daily routines becomes essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The Value of Unplugging and Disconnecting

Technology has become a ubiquitous presence in our lives, often blurring the boundaries between work and leisure. Creating boundaries and intentionally disconnecting from devices allows for a more immersive and fulfilling leisure experience. Unplugging becomes a way to reclaim control over leisure time and enhance the quality of leisure activities.

The Influence of Social Media on Leisure

Social media platforms can both enhance and hinder leisure experiences. While they provide opportunities for connection and inspiration, they can also foster comparison and validation-seeking behavior. Overcoming the negative aspects of social media and cultivating a healthy relationship with these platforms is crucial for fully enjoying leisure moments.

Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

“In an age consumed by the absurdity of life, where busyness reigns and social media consumes, leisure becomes the antidote that restores our sanity, allowing us to unplug, reconnect with ourselves, and find genuine joy amidst the noise.”

Leisure can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment when aligned with personal values and aspirations. Engaging in activities that bring joy, meaning, and align with one’s passions allows for a more profound sense of fulfillment during leisure time. Finding meaning in leisure transcends mere entertainment, becoming a source of personal growth and satisfaction.

In the grand tapestry of life’s absurdity, embracing leisure becomes our ultimate act of defiance, a declaration that amidst the chaos, we choose to find solace, meaning, and profound joy in the moments of respite. May we never forget the power of leisure to nourish our souls and remind us of what truly matters.


Q: Why do many people struggle to fully enjoy leisure moments?

A: The guilt and anxiety associated with taking time off and the fear of missing out contribute to the struggle.

Q: How can mindfulness enhance the enjoyment of leisure?

A: Mindfulness enables individuals to be fully present, appreciating the sensory experiences and joy in leisure activities.

Q: What is the connection between leisure and creativity?

A: Engaging in leisure activities that inspire and challenge can fuel the creative process and lead to innovative ideas.

Q: How does unplugging from technology enhance leisure experiences?

A: Disconnecting from devices allows for a more immersive and fulfilling leisure experience, reclaiming control over leisure time.

Q: How can leisure activities provide meaning and fulfillment?

A: Engaging in activities aligned with personal values and passions during leisure time creates a sense of purpose and personal growth.

Big love from my screen to yours,

Anum ❤️

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Anum Najeeb
Mind Talk

A storyteller and professional SEO writer. Looking to hire a writer? Reach out at