Hype Cycle for Digital Technologies

Trent Hazy
Innovation @ Work
Published in
1 min readOct 14, 2016

Gartner has an extremely insightful “hype cycle” for new digital technologies. The cycle starts with an innovation trigger and can move along the cycle to reach a plateau of productivity. Granted, many technologies fail along the way, but this graph can help contextualize many up and coming technologies. Especially useful is the estimated time frame for reaching the plateau (see legend).

“This year, we encourage CIOs and other IT leaders to dedicate time and energy focused on innovation, rather than just incremental business advancement, while also gaining inspiration by scanning beyond the bounds of their industry.” — Betsy Burton, VP, Gartner

Read more about these technologies and the hype cycle: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3114217



Trent Hazy
Innovation @ Work

Co-Founder & CEO of @mindsumo. Alum of @stanford product design.