Entering Heaven’s Gate: The End of Personal Suffering

Transform Your Reality in Just One Week

Dr. Joanna Kristeva
Mind Wellness


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Follow these 7 simple steps to reach enlightenment using perceptive cognitive-rewiring:

  1. Monday: Start your new transformational week by letting go of everything, which does not serve you. Embrace the unknown state of utter emptiness. In order to build a new foundation and establish a beautiful template in your mind you need to remove old limiting beliefs and innate self-destructive embeddings.
  2. Tuesday: Design a blueprint of what you want to create and how you intent to accomplish it.
  3. Wednesday: Write down your personal declaration- make a goals list and establish an action plan.
  4. Thursday: Reprogram your conscious mind- change your thoughts about interpreting responses to challenging situations from the past. Let go of painful experiences. Forgive, forget and forfeit all wrong doings and transgressions done against you.
  5. Friday: Reprogram your subconscious mind- first discover and detect any existing limiting beliefs, which are blocking your success and then eliminate them.
  6. Saturday: Elevate your energetic frequency to a baseline state of peace, love, joy and gratitude.
  7. Final Step — Sunday: Create a personalized…



Dr. Joanna Kristeva
Mind Wellness

PhD, LCSW, LISW, BetterHelp Clinician, TimelyMD, Amwell & Talkspace Provider