Bye Bye Cypress — see you next year!

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2019

Do the mental health benefits of getting some exercise outdoors match or exceed the time with your therapist?

Yes! says this therapist. From my own personal experience (and a whole lot of research to back it up), moving around outside daily increases feelings of happiness and well-being, and can decrease anxiety and depression. I can go from a crap day or mood, to an almost giddy high, after some time outdoors on the slopes.

April 12/19 Cypress Mountain

Contributing factors? The people you meet, the friends you make, the nature you experience, the fresh air that fills your lungs and soul.

(left) Oskar from Aus — loves his job and goes beyond. (right) Dale sporting his spring uniform.

I feel very blessed to have come upon a fantastic relationship and collaboration with Cypress Mountain to put forth this important mental health message.

Tommy Swain serving up some free burgers — customer appreciation day

Consider investing in your mental wellness by getting out there. Whether it is walking, running, swimming, biking, hiking, camping . . . or maybe even getting up the mountain next ski season yourself, remember to get outside. A fantastic way to fast-forward your mental well-being :)

Til next season, Cypress

