Doug and the Slugs and Me

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2022

Doxa Film Festival 2022

Bitter sweet ending to Doug Bennett’s life, and to the Doxa Documentary Festival 2022.

I wasn’t able to attend Doxa this year in person, which left a hole in my heart for sure. However, with their online programming I was able to view some fantastic films including Love in the Time of Fentanyl, Dear Audrey, Beyond Extinction: Sinixt Resurgence, Fire of Love, Dear Jackie, and Children of the Mist. Plus many more. Then it ends with THIS!

Now I am really upset. After viewing this very well done documentary I was even more sad that I wasn’t there in person. I understand that after it debuted on closing night there was a Q&A with filmmaker Teresa Alfeld and some of the subjects. AND I MISSED IT! I will eventually get over it, just give me a moment…

Simply put, beautiful. Alfeld does a great job with a difficult task. She films this great documentary, which includes a painful childhood memory, and she is also in the film herself. Not sure how she pulled all of that off, but congratulations Teresa.

This story is very rich as it depicts common problems in families, in stardom, and in addiction. So much joy and memories are shared and celebrated, but also riddled with conflict and complications.

What I learned about Doug Bennett was what a brilliant and accomplished man he was — even outside of Doug and the Slugs. He was an above average dad, political cartoonist, illustrator, graphic designer, writer, and I am sure much more that I don’t even know about. This documentary captures some of this. Sadly, what I also learned about Doug was that he basically drank himself to death at the very young age of 52. Addiction plays no favourites, although I would venture to say that famous, successful people who are also brilliant and often can’t turn their minds off — they seem to fall prey to substance abuse and alcoholism more than others. Just a personal observation.

I would highly recommend that you take the opportunity to see this fantastic documentary. Very well done.

Until next year, bye bye Doxa.

