Dr. Jen’s Ski Report — Red Mountain!

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2024

Friday February 16, 2024

Well I did it. My inaugural ski, post knee surgery. I promised my surgeon I wouldn’t downhill ski for at least one year post surgery, and today was the day.

I was scared shitless. I actually thought of backing out right until the last minute. And I’m so glad I did not.

Here is my photo op in the bathroom as I got my gear on ~ every so slowly!

the transformation
my boots seemed a little tighter than a year ago?!

It is so strange to have enjoyed something for so many years, and then almost considering giving it up. I have certainly heard stories of other folks who have had their “fun” careers interrupted, to never return. I think Covid actually contributed to those numbers. I almost became a stat myself.

Thank you Selkirk College and my friends at Red Mountain for the opportunity and the encouragement. Both helped immensely.

a celebratory glass of champagne after at the Josie

I attend the occasional class at Selkirk, and they had a student night at Red Mountain tonite. Very affordable. Given my surgery status, I did not get a pass this year. This makes the occasional ski formidable.

And my long term friends at Red ~ they rock. I met with a couple of them prior to getting suited up, and their encouragement meant a great deal.

Thank you ♥️

thanks Steve and Mike and Mike!

Get outside for your mental health is my mantra, and I can already feel the high from the adrenaline and endorphins. Ahhhhh.

If there is something you have put on the back burner for your own reasons, perhaps consider giving it a go. I’m glad that I did.

back in the bathroom, de-robing after some successful turns :)

