Get outside, and be a little foolish.

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2019

Depression, anxiety, overall mental health . . . there are so many reasons why we really need to be intentional about spending time outside.

Cypress Mountain, March 17, 2019

I have long been a cheerleader of getting myself, and others, outside. I have preached about it, I write about it, and I try and do it as often as I can. Why? Because it matters!! A lot.

This is also why I have this section of my blog publication (D-ficient Daze). Literally, if we are “D-ficient — lacking in vitamin D, we can be in a daze. And this daze can have many different formats: low energy, moodiness, mild depression or anxiety, even SADS (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Our lack of outside time these days can affect us in many significant ways.

What I know about myself is that getting outside affects me in significant ways, irrespective of my present circumstances. If I choose to walk to work, I will have a better day that day. Or if I am intentional about getting outside each day for at least twenty minutes, my mood is more stable. Even choosing to eat my sandwich at lunch while outside, or going for a short walk in between clients, makes a huge difference. I am lighter, happier, and able to combat life’s curve balls.

I was blessed to visit Atlanta Georgia last November, and I had the utmost pleasure of unseasonably warm temperatures, and, scooters!! Yup, you heard me right, scooters. They were everywhere, just lying around, ready for the taking (with an app, and a credit card, of course). Look what this provided:

Now that is great outside time!

It is also fun to be creative with your outside time, like playing disc golf, for example. Did you know that there are many great disc golf courses around, including this amazing one on Pender Island?

One last suggestion on getting yourself outside. Why don’t you try and just be spontaneous . . . and maybe a bit crazy . . . and do something like this? And yes, I was driving a car when my favourite song came on. Must pull over…

Dance like no one is watching, and do it outside!!

Mexico February 2016. This stranger politely asked my husband if he could dance with me!

Okay, so I know that we have just left winter, and some of these antics are not possible. However, we still need to get outside, regardless of where we are and what the weather is doing. A great expression that I heard once is: “there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear!” So true.

So, get some good gear, get a little foolish and fun, and get outside. Your mental health will thank you.

