Goodbye My Love

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2021

I shan’t ever forget you.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

I have had a casual relationship with Cypress for many years, but a proper committed one for the past eight years. Now we have to break up because I am moving.

What will I do without her? It is like we are one when we are together. A symbiosis of sorts. It is hard to tell where she stops and I start.

Don’t get me wrong, it is not like we have always gotten along. Sometimes she throws me a curveball with unexpected terrain or weather. However, in the end, we always make up and make beautiful music once again.

I wonder if I will be able to replace her, perhaps another mountain with similar good looks and offerings? If I was in my teens or my twenties, I would have already found a replacement in advance so that I wouldn’t have to go without in between. I was naughty that way.

Alas, I am a big girl now (at least I am supposed to be), so ending properly and grieving it must be. I hope she won’t forget me. I know I won’t forget her. We were too good together.

I’m not sure I will find another quite like her again.

I know I will be back to visit now and again. If I do find another, would it be cheating if I occasionally took up with her again? Perhaps if I am transparent and all are in agreement, we could work something out.

The ending to a beautiful, satisfying relationship is never easy. This one will stay with me forever, that I am sure. Farewell my Cypress.

Cypress Mountain B.C. - Sunset at Eagle Bluffs - April 17/21

