Sliding Doors Moment

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2021

We took a left instead of a right, and saved $90,000.

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Have you seen that brilliant film Sliding Doors? In the opening scene, a woman (played by Gwyneth Paltrow) is running for the subway. In one clip, she just misses the train and it whizzes away. She must wait for the next train. In the next clip, the same scenario but she manages to get her arm in the train door just as it is closing and is able to get on that train. The remainder of the movie is how her life plays out, back and forth, given each scenario. Fascinating writing and idea.

Photo by Just Jack on Unsplash

I have often used the expression ‘Sliding Doors Moment’ referencing this phenomena. I like the idea of how differently things can turn out either because of choices that we make, or due to slightly varying external circumstances which force a different outcome (a traffic jam delaying you for a few moments, as an example). Basically the notion of timing and/or choices resulting in a different outcome. This is one of those stories.

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

After completely uprooting our lives on a dime, my husband and I find ourselves renting temporarily in a new community — trying to secure a permanent place to live. Given this crazy real estate market, this is no small feat. One I must admit that I am not cut out for. I have cried many times over lost opportunities, or simply over the sheer frustration of it all. Scenario: a property gets listed on the real estate market; there is a week’s worth of showings; ALL offers are accepted simultaneously at an appointed day and time; one lucky bidder gets it-often for way over asking price. Stupid system.

This particular week we decided to take a break from the insanity and go camping off grid. Just prior to leaving we put in an unconditional offer on a property that is mostly what we want. Not exactly, but close enough. We hope that having no subjects on our offer may give us a leg up on potentially other higher offers. Our bid is also above what we were hoping to spend. Done! Off camping we go.

Photo by Zach Betten on Unsplash

We turn off the highway and drive up the long road to the camping area. We had checked it out the week prior and enjoyed a beach there briefly, which looked very inviting for future kayaking. Hence the decision for this particular campground. However, as we approach the entrance we come upon a road block. The camping area is closed. Closed?! We were just here a week ago and it was open. Grrrrr.

With no choice, we turn around and back down the road we go, wondering what now? We have a truck full of belongings and groceries, and a trailer with all of our supplies and kayaks. Since we are new to the area, we don’t really know where other camping spots are.

We arrive back at the main highway, and my husband suggests we turn right, heading back to where we came from. He believes he knows of another camping option in that direction. I agree, but ask if we may turn left instead for a short detour. I received a realtor email that morning notifying me of a new property listing. I believe if we turn left it is only about 10 or 15 minutes down the road. He agrees and left we go.

We are familiar with the road that this new listing is on, as we had put in another offer a week earlier on a different acreage on this very street. We had offered significantly less than the asking price though, so we weren’t surprised when we didn’t get it. There was no way we could afford what they wanted on that one.

As chance would have it, or in my orientation I would say as faith would have it, the owner of the property for sale was standing in his yard. When he saw us stopped on the roadside looking his way, he waved at us. My husband, who is less bold than I am, said “don’t you get out of the truck!” Of course I did, and we were able to meet the owner with a firm hand shake. He proceeded to tell us his story of why he had to sell this wonderful 7.5 acres of land, a home that he thought he would never leave on his own two feet. I instantly fell in love with him and his land.

I quickly contacted our realtor. “Don’t put that offer in!! We don’t want that one any more. We found our home.”

A day later, the nice man who shook our hand so earnestly accepted our full price offer — $90,000 less than the other one and much better suited to our needs. I am so glad the campground was closed. Sliding Doors Moment.

