Unicorn Cup — Rosebud Lake

Jennifer Hammersmark
Mind Your Madness
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2022

Where Cannabis Thought Leaders Congregate


The Annual Unicorn Cup is BC’s premiere 3 day music, camping and cannabis education and comparison event! We are a music festival celebrating the spirit of cannabis, regenerative farming practices and bridging the gap between governance, legal producers, consumers and the transitioning legacy market.

Well, here we go again. Another Dr. Jen “first” in the spirit of the Summer of Jen. What is the Summer of Jen, you ask? When we relocated here to the Kootenays from White Rock, BC one year ago, we dedicated the ski season as the “Winter of Mike” (my husband) as we got settled into our new home and community. Now, my turn. So the Summer of Jen it is!

my home at the Unicorn Cup

This is my fourth festival/event of the summer — and I’m exhausted. It is super fun to enjoy the local arts, culture and music as a way of settling in, and especially as a volunteer like I did at Shambhala. The Unicorn Cup was equally as satisfying from the Crew perspective, but it sure does take a lot out of you too. All worth it though.

This event was particularly interesting as it interwove education and learning with music and having fun. In the daytime there were speakers all day long from 10:00 in the morning through to 6:00 in the evening. Then at 6:00 pm, the music began! Amazing DJ’s and musicians that ran until 4:30 in the morning. There were also vendors, artisans and food trucks. Something for everyone.

the main stage for speakers and performers
Raf, an artist from Nelson

Although I am not a pot girl, this did not interfere with my enjoyment. The speakers that I did manage to see when I wasn’t working included Che LeBlanc, Founder, Russell Bennett, Cannabis Lawyer, and Jeananne Laing, a Registered Herbalist who is a Cannabis Educator and Integrative Health Coach.

Che LeBlanc, Founder, Rosebud Farms

From Che I learned about regenerative farming, genetics, growing factors, and much more as it all ties into the importance of honour and respect for the land.

Russell Bennett, Cannabis Law

From Russell I learned a lot about the origin of the anti-drug laws, which was appallingly based on racism against the Chinese Canadians in 1908 — the Opium Act, spearheaded by MacKenzie King. A group of people protested the Asiatic Exclusion League and a riot ensued. Then very unfortunately, the law ensued.

I also learned about ongoing issues as they relate to the cannabis laws and legalization versus decriminalization. Very interesting and lots of room to grow.

Jeananne Laing

From Jeananne I got a very well rounded tour of the forest and the garden and cannabis and how all of these lovely plants provide healing for all kinds of things that ail us. Super amazing!

Before and after; Justin transformed a blank canvas into this in the same day!
Frase and Fawna

From the DJ’s and musical entertainment from a myriad of artists, I got a really good workout! Nothing like dancing like no one is watching, one of my favourite sports.

All I can say is, these people are on to something!! I have no doubt as their annual event continues to evolve, it will get better and better. There is nothing like being on the leading edge while providing education and entertainment.

Dr. Jen, Che LeBlanc (Founder), Kristal Waters (Executive Director, Cofounder)

And let’s not forget Rosebud Lake. It speaks for itself.

Rosebud Lake Painted Turtle, compliments of Mike Sloan

