How Our Struggles Define Us: The Story of a BLESSism

Leslie Riopel, The Gratitude Coach
Mindful Blessisms
Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2022

It’s easy to feel happy, grateful, and blessed when things are going well, but much more challenging to find the gratitude and the blessing in the heartbreak, disappointment, or pain.

How have your struggles defined you? Every moment of struggle you face, whether it’s in your business or personal life will define you. It is in those moments of quiet desperation that you find out how strong you really are.

Struggles can either push you to grow, and help you evolve and change, or they can beat you down. One simple way to manage life during times of struggle is to bless the mess and practice mindful acceptance and BLESSisms can help you do all of that and more!

What is a BLESSism?

BLESSisms are a combination of mindfulness, positive psychology, and mindful blessings based on the PERMA Model in Positive Psychology. PERMA is an acronym for a model of well-being put forth by a pioneer in the field of positive psychology, Martin Seligman. According to Seligman, PERMA makes up five important building blocks of well-being and happiness:

Positive emotions — feeling good;

Engagement — being completely absorbed in activities;

Relationships — being authentically connected to others;

Meaning — purposeful existence;

Achievement — a sense of accomplishment and success.

When you choose to repeat a Mindful Blessing, you are putting an intention out to the Universe. A heartfelt Blessing helps you shift your attitude and gain a renewed perspective, especially when it comes to those things in life that may aggravate or annoy you.

BLESSisms help you acknowledge, bless, and accept your present life circumstances in a beautiful, yet simple way. Accepting and acknowledging where you are on the path of life, can help you move through difficult circumstances in a much healthier way.

BLESSisms are also a form of Mindful Acceptance.

Mindful acceptance allows you to perceive your experience, acknowledge it, and move through it rather than judging it as good or bad. The practice of mindful acceptance combined with “Mindful Blessings” can help you learn how to bless the mess and find the gratitude and joy along life’s crooked path helping you transform life’s painful lessons into BLESSisms!

In other words, BLESSisms help you shift your focus. Instead of complaining, criticizing, or wallowing in the negativity, BLESSisms help you express gratitude and bless the difficult circumstances in life.

Instead of feeling anxious, irritated, or bothered when bad things happen, BLESSisms challenge you to find the blessing within the life lesson or pain.

Whatever you give constant attention to in your life, is what you tend to manifest. Each of us influences our lives through our thoughts, words, and actions. In other words, we are what we focus on.

15 Incredible Benefits of BLESSisms

1. BLESSisms help you practice “The Art of Mindful Acceptance.” Mindful acceptance is a way of looking at your present circumstances without reacting, judging, or controlling the experience. The goal of mindful acceptance is to learn how to accept your present circumstances, pain, or distress in a neutral way and find the “blessing” in it, rather than spending your time feeling aggravated or frustrated that you aren’t making progress. It is a simple yet transformative process and state of mind.

2. BLESSisms help you turn life’s little stressisms into BLESSisms giving you a daily dose of good cheer!. A daily BLESSism can help you find that sacred gift in each beautiful day.

3. BLESSisms help you acknowledge, bless and accept your present life circumstances, wherever you may be. Accepting and acknowledging where you are on the path of life, can help you move through the difficult circumstance in a much healthier way. Doing so also helps clear your mental and emotional energy allowing you to move into a healthier state of mind and into a more balanced life.

4. BLESSisms help you cope in a healthier way, in a world filled with toxic negativity. Many of us live in a world filled with toxic and negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. BLESSisms can help you start thinking differently and blessing the life lesson along the way. They can also help you seek a balance between the negative and positive aspects of life.

5. BLESSisms are a wonderful complement to your daily prayer, mindfulness, meditation, or visualization practice. Maintaining a daily practice of introspection and self-care allows you to cleanse your mind and body of the stress of the day, helping you process the pain and angst and move through it in a healthier way.

6. BLESSisms provide an opportunity for intuitive guidance. As you bring your physical, mental, and emotional systems into coherent alignment, you will begin to experience increased access to your heart and body’s intuitive guidance. Tuning into this innate wisdom can create a profound shift that can help you approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity, and personal confidence.

7. BLESSisms help calm the self-talk and self-criticism. The more you practice them, the kinder and more compassionate you will be towards yourself.

8. BLESSisms help encourage a life filled with positivity and gratitude. A regular practice helps to keep the small things in perspective. In this high-stress world, it’s easy to lose sight of how large the small things really are. A simple morning BLESSism can help set the tone for a more positive day.

9. A BLESSism a day may even keep the doctor away. Many studies show that optimistic people have healthier hearts, and practices like BLESSisms and affirmations help you to stay positive.

10. Blessisms help you challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts. You may choose to use a daily BLESSism to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self-esteem. If you frequently find yourself getting caught up in negative self-talk, BLESSisms can be used to combat these often-subconscious patterns and replace them with more adaptive narratives.

11. BLESSisms are similar to affirmations, which have had a lot of scientific evidence to back them up. Spiritual teachers have known for millennial that our body is programmable by language, words, and thought and especially by loving words and thoughts.

12. A Daily BLESSism provides positive reinforcement and love, promoting well-being. Making Blessisms a habit can help you shift your thinking in a more positive way.

13. A Daily BLESSism provides a moment of quiet in a busy life. Taking some time every day to reflect or pray, can help you manage your life in a healthier way.

14. A Daily BLESSism helps you practice the art of forgiveness. Learning how to forgive yourself and others can completely transform your life.

15. BLESSisms can help you develop more empathy and compassion and less self-judgment. BLESSisms can help you move through the many struggles and trials of life in a much more compassionate, empathetic way.

Repeating Mindful Blessings aka BLESSims can help you do all of that and more!

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Leslie Riopel, The Gratitude Coach
Mindful Blessisms

Leslie is a Certified Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher, Integrative Coach, Podcast Producer & Host, Entrepreneur, Psychology Professor, and Creative Writer,