14 Examples of Stellar Dashboard UI Design

Asha Rajput
Mindful Designing
Published in
7 min readMar 2, 2023

The simplistic efficacy of dashboards when it comes to data collation and interpretation has made them a must-have for businesses across scales and sectors. Dashboards can be used to monitor subtle market shifts and even help the user gain insight into customer buying behaviours and purchase patterns.

And that is just from an enterprise perspective. Many HRM and ERP systems also offer employees access to personal dashboards where they can track and update tasks, keep a tab on their working hours and even converse with fellow employees.

All of this is a clear indicator of the massive proliferation that dashboards enjoy today. However, if the UI of the dashboard is unintuitive or has a markedly steep learning curve, issues can rise up fast.

Best Dashboard UI Examples of 2023

The need of the hour is user-centric dashboard systems that not only display all the required data to the user but do so in a way that does not put too much of a cognitive load on the viewer. Seems like quite an issue. But fret not, we have your back.

Read on for a list of the top 14 dashboard UI examples for you to take inspiration from while creating your own dashboard.

1. Smart Home Dashboard

Technology is evolving at breakneck speed and it has now become a mainstay even in our homesteads. This is an example of a smart home dashboard that lets the user view all IoT devices within his home and even control them.

The smart home dashboard offers features like remote access to internal and external lighting, smart locks, garage doors, AC temperature regulation, alarm and security systems, and much more. The most notable feature of this dashboard is that it offers the user a detailed view of his devices without overwhelming him with redundant data.

2. Ads Dashboard

The customer of today enjoys the conveniences of being looped in and online. For businesses, this means that the internet is the perfect hunting ground for new customers and also a place to engage with existing customers with a view of retaining them. And what better way to solve both these problem statements than with online ads?

With powerful systems like Google AdWords and Facebook ads offering businesses the flexibility to choose when and where and how to approach a customer, having an ads dashboard in your business arsenal can result in a significant upsurge of targeted advertising.

3. Personal Finance Dashboard

Walking away from the spotlight of what dashboards can do for businesses and employees, these systems also offer multiple use cases for the everyday man. In this personal finance dashboard, the user can keep track of his spending, monitor UPI payments, pay his credit card bill, and open new credit lines in addition to numerous other finance-related activities. With an easy-going and light aesthetic, this dashboard makes the user’s financial life a lot easier to tango with.

4. NFT Marketplace Dashboard

NFTs are strange things. One day they were costlier than gold and the other day no one would trade you a rock for one. But this doesn’t stop thousands of artists (and even non-artists) creating NFTs and if they are lucky enough earning big money.

But for that to happen you need a robust NFT marketplace. This NFT MarketPlace dashboard example allows the user to track price trends, buy, sell and barter his NFTs while keeping a close eye on critical stats that could turn a profit.

5. Crypto Dashboard

Now since we are on the topic of cryptocurrencies, our next entrant is a true-blue cryptocurrency dashboard. On it the user can purchase and sell crypt while being on top of every little market shift, ensuring that his hard-earned Ethereum isn’t siphoned off into some deadbeat swindler’s scam (like Logan Paul’s Cryptozoo).

6. Net-Banking Dashboard

Taking a slightly more traditional route, the next entrant on our list is a net banking dashboard. While we don’t have much to say about the nature of the text used by the designer, this dashboard is a valiant effort to make net banking more accessible and fun for the user.

7. Blogger Dashboard

Blogger is growing in leaps and bounds when it comes to size and user base. But to manage the massive amount of data that the platform’s users need to sift through looking up and collaborating with businesses or other users, a dashboard is a must-have. This dashboard example does exactly that intuitively and without sacrificing data density or volume.

8. ERP Dashboard

An ERP system is rapidly becoming an integral Saas requirement for businesses as it helps navigate the tricky aspects of field service management and refocus the business capabilities towards providing superior resource allocation and employee efficiency. This ERP dashboard checks all the boxes when it come to ease of use, effectiveness and unsurprisingly, visual appeal.

9. Fintech Dashboard

As the financial services industry warms up to custom software development and subsequent digital transformation, leading FinTech players now sport custom banking and financial tech solutions that, at first glance, seem derivative of the sci-fi flicks we love so much. Thanks to this Fintech Dashboard the user can now utilize AI, ML and automation to enjoy seamless fault-free experiences on mobile, thus inching closer to the eventuality of autonomous finance.

10. CyberSecurity Dashboard

Let’s say a plumber rings your doorbell and you open the door to let him in because you have a leaky faucet in the kitchen. Now how do you trust the plumber? How do you know that he is capable of fixing the faucet? What if the plumber is going to swipe all your stuff. Now juxtapose your home with your enterprise app/database.

Can you imagine the damage if the so-called “expert” can’t fix the issue at hand or if he can but has malicious intent? Here is where the utility of a cybersecurity dashboard arises where users can keep track of any and all security threats conveniently.

11. Analytics Dashboard

Analytics dashboards are mainly leveraged by businesses to track purchase behavior and market spending patterns. These dashboards are by far the most data heavy and therefore developers/designers must pay careful attention to how data is displayed to maximize ease of use.

This entrant on our list is a perfect example of accurate and detailed data presentation while being accessible to users across tech and analytical skill levels.

12. Health App Dashboard

With the help of this health app dashboard, patients can easily and quickly communicate with doctors who are prepared to hear them out and help them with their problems.

Comprehensive health and well-being metrics are integrated into this dashboard to enhance utility and improve user experience.

With the help of this seamless integration, medical professionals can more accurately diagnose patients and import their most recent medical information.

13. Marketing Analytics Dashboard

From running A/B tests to split tests to control group tests, to using conversion tracking, and optimizing your system’s efficiency and data… with this dashboard, your work as a modern marketer is now even more effortless.

This dashboard offers key insights like: How behavioral analytics module helps improve conversions, cross-channel journey orchestration to improve CX and an experimentation module to accelerate your business’s growth with guided decisions.

14. Mental Health Dashboard

Recognizing the inextricable relationship between our mental well-being, our job, and our lives have prompted more companies to consider how they may incorporate mental health into work so that both employees and the company can prosper in the future.

Here is where the last entrant on our list makes an entrance. Fitness enthusiasts from across the globe can come together and talk about how they achieve the golden ratio of mental and physical well being, thus boosting employee efficiency as well as business ROIs.

In Summation: Dashboards Make Sense

A dashboard is one of the most effective tools when a user is faced with the task of making sense out of data. A user-centric, clear and accessible dashboard can help establish realistic goals, and build strategies as well as roadmaps to help your business and boost your quality of life.

UI design plays a significant role while developing a dashboard as clarity is of critical importance when it comes to data representation. Building the perfect dashboard isn’t an easy task. For it you need to have an experienced partner in your corner. Realx, you are in the perfect place.

Introducing 300Mind, the perfect hub for all your UI/UX design needs. So if you too wish to build a hyper effective, efficient and equally appealing dashboard then we can help you out. Let’s begin your journey of UX/UI design excellence with 300Mind.



Asha Rajput
Mindful Designing

Founder of 300Mind, a creative game design and development studio. https://300mind.studio/